Jakob Bovenmyer
Parents: Wendy and Dan
Siblings: 3 younger sisters—Evie, Annie, and Bella
Birthday: 7/23/04
Pets: a dog named Kiva and a cat named Mrs. Bigglesworth
Spotlight Activities
Concert Choir 2 3 4
Bella Voce 4
Vocal Jazz 4
Musical 3 4
Concert Band 4
Jazz Band 4
Marching Band 4
Mariachi Band 4
Awards and Accomplishments
Large Group Contest
National Honor Society 3 4
Community Activities
Live stream tech for Jordan Creek Church
Favorite performing arts moment: I got to tear the pants off of Ian Landyt during the musical Sister Act my junior year
Advice to underclassmen: “To be yourself and don’t be someone you are not.”
Favorite color: light blue
Favorite food: sushi
Favorite thing to do with friends: hanging out and spending quality time with them
Favorite thing to do with family: watching movies
Plans after graduation: I am attending UI and will be doing something arts related
Hobbies: singing, playing guitar, skateboarding, and playing games on line with my friends
Favorite musical performer: Daft Punk
Favorite vocal piece: “Sing We Now of Christmas” by Noel Novelet
Favorite song: “Plastic Beach” by Gorillaz
Do you have a job?: I work at Solon Learning Academy
Where did you go on your last vacation?: Went to Orlando, FL
Student mentor: Liona Rocca
Adult mentor: my Dad
Favorite class: English Comp and Lit. Mr. Taylor is the teacher
If you could make a difference in Solon, what would you do and how would you do it?: I would educate people on diversity and how to be more accepting of different people, situations, and ideas.
Something not many people know about you: I went on a Mission Trip to Haiti with my church.
The best thing about the SCSD: The teachers are really something special
Name someone you have great respect for in our community, and why: Aaron Kampman, our pastor at Jordon Creek Church is a real community man. He loves the community and he always has an interest in what is going on in our lives, is very hard working, and is a mentor for a lot of people.
Pet peeve: when people do not communicate
Favorite elementary moment: Every single time I went out for recess my friends and I played “Infection.”
Favorite Spotlight supporter: Desmond Cervantez
Favorite TV show: “Breaking Bad”
Favorite restaurant: Red Lobster
Favorite fast food: Chick-Fil-A
Favorite sport: Football
What do you see yourself doing in ten years?: I want to have a family, be independent, and be with life and the job I choose.