The Solon Library Foundation will be selling luminary kits at the December 3 Festival of Trees at the Family Center at the Methodist Church.
A sample of the luminaries is currently on display in the Library entrance along with the order forms. You can order these kits and pick them up on the following dates: at the library-November 26 (11:00 AM-2:00 PM), at the Festival of the Trees December 3 (9:00 AM-3:00 PM), at the library (11:00 AM-2:00 PM) on December 10, and at the library (11:00AM-2:00 PM} on December 17.
The luminary kits are priced at 2 for $6.00, 5 for $15, 10 for $30, or 20 for $50.
The proceeds from this fundraiser will be used to help fund Foundation scholarships and long term library growth. The luminary lights will beautify and add sparkle to our Solon homes and streets. Share the luminary lights with friends as gifts.
Light Up the Holidays and enjoy.