SOLON — Solon’s Robotics program competed in a home tournament Thursday, Nov. 17 at the Solon Community Center. The program started in 2007 but did not participate in 2008. Bill Mattaliano started coaching the club in 2009 with three students participating.
Since then the popularity has increased with 34 Solon students participating in two programs: First Tech Challenge and VEX.
First Tech Challenge, for grades 7-12, challenges students to design, build, program, and operate robots in head-to-head competition under the guidance of adult coaches and mentors. The students develop STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) skills while practicing engineering principles and realizing the value of hard work, innovation, and teamwork. VEX offers programs from pre-K through high school with educational robotics.
This year’s competition challenged the Robotics students to design and build robots that would pick up a plastic cup with a hole in the bottom, raise it up over a shaft, and drop it down onto the shaft. Operating the robots is a team effort requiring careful coordination while attempting to complete tasks.
“This is not ‘Battle Bots,’ stressed Mattaliano. “We are competing for points, not trying to destroy other robots.” Indeed, part of the competition involves “alliances” where teams work together to complete tasks, and score points.
In Thursday’s competition, team 367 (“Salad”) composed of Ryan Bilskie, Ian Ressler, and Jack Rekers were the top team.
Solon Robotics is open to sixth graders through seniors in the Solon Community School District, and the season runs from early September through January. However, teams qualifying for the postseason go on to compete in February through April.
Additional information can be found at, and at Coach (and Chief Squirrel Herder) Mattaliano can be contacted at [email protected] or [email protected] for information on joining the program next year.
Coach (and Chief Squirrel Herder) Bill Mattaliano has led the Solon Robotics program since 2009.