High School — $2.70
Middle School — $2.60
Solon Intermediate/Lakeview — $2.50
Reduced — $.40
Adult/Guest breakfast — $1.75, lunch $4.15
Friday, Nov. 18
MS/HS alternative: Cook’s Delight
Potato bar, bright broccoli
Cheese sauce, diced ham
Garlic Knot (SIS/MS/HS), Mandarin oranges
Gold Fish crackers
Monday, Nov. 21
MS/HS alternative: Sausage, egg and cheese biscuit
Cheesy potatoes, crunchy carrots, and humus
Strawberries and blueberries, Cheez Its (SIS/MS/HS)
Tuesday, Nov. 22
MS/HS alternative: Chicken drumstick
Popcorn chicken
Mashed potatoes, kernel corn, chicken gravy
Cubed peaches, diner roll (MS/HS)
Ice cream sandwich
Wednesday, Nov. 23
No school
Thursday, Nov. 24
Happy Thanksgiving
Friday, Nov. 25
No school
Solon schools lunch menu
November 17, 2022