Parents: Michelle and Joshua Lyons
Siblings: Camden
Birthday: 4/29/05
Pets: 2 cats — Casper and Misha
Concert Choir: 1 2 3 4
Bella Voce: 2 3 4
Vocal Jazz: 1 2 3 4
Musical: 1 2 3 4
Cross Country: 1 2 3 4
Basketball: 1 2 3 4
Track: 1 2 3 4
Best of center for Classical Night 4
Large Group Contest 1 2 3 4
St Mary youth choir
Favorite performing arts moment: Jazz Choir went to see Saje
Advice to underclassmen: “Be confident and try every opportunity that life gives you.”
Favorite color: purple
Favorite food: any kind of rice
Favorite thing to do with friends: hanging out with friends at a bonfire
Favorite thing to do with family: watching movies
Plans after graduation: hopefully to go to Wartburg and major in education, speech pathology or music therapy
Hobbies: singing, running, and writing
Favorite musical performer: Pentatonix
Favorite vocal piece: “She used to be mine” from Waitress
Favorite song: “Good Morning” by Max Frost
Do you have a job: I work at Solon Learning Academy
Where did you go on your last vacation: Hawaii
Student mentor: Sophia Stahle
Adult mentor: Joel Foreman
Favorite class: English 11 with Mr. Farnsworth
If you could make a difference in Solon, what would you do and how would you do it?: I would start a singing camp in Solon for the summers
Something not very many people know about you: I make my bed every morning
The best thing about the SCSD: the teachers for sure
Name someone that you have great respect for in the community and why: Don Ellis, our announcer at sport events b/c he gives so much to our community and takes an interest in students
Pet peeve: when people step on the backs of my shoes when I am walking and slow walkers
Favorite elementary moment: playing instruments in my mom’s classroom after school.
Favorite spotlight supporter: Mark Sovers because he cares about students who are in music and in sports and shows that he values both areas
Favorite TV show: “The 100”
Favorite restaurant:Texas Roadhouse
Favorite fast-food: Panda Express
Favorite sport: Track
What do you see yourself doing in 10 years?: Having a really big house, having kids, and working as a speech pathologist
Nancy Upmeyer
November 10, 2022
Kerrigan Lyons as Anya in the recent Solon HS Drama Dept. production of Anastasia: The New Broadway Musical
About the Contributor
Chris Umscheid, Editor
Chris Umscheid is the editor of the Solon Economist.