November calendar
Thursday, Nov. 10 – Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday, Nov. 11 – Veteran’s Day
Thursday, Nov. 17 – Parent teacher Conferences
Monday, Nov. 21 – 7th Grade STEAM Institute field trip
Tuesday, Nov. 22 – 1:45 dismissal
Wednesday, Nov. 23 – No school
Thursday, Nov. 24 – Happy Thanksgiving!
Friday, Nov. 25 – No school
Principal’s note
“Happy November! It is hard to believe that we’ve sailed through the first quarter, survived Halloween and are fast approaching our fall Parent Teacher Conferences, which leads us right into Thanksgiving. Thank you for all your support and teamwork in making the opening weeks of the school year a great success.
I am really proud of our staff for their dedication and investment in our professional learning time. We value our Thursday afternoon and full release days such as October 17 and see those times as opportunities to learn together. Our Instructional Coaches, Teresa Burg and Emily Korth, have been instrumental in the planning, preparation, and delivery of some great learning.
I am really proud of our students as well. The last couple of years were really hard on kids, teachers, and education as a whole. We entered the fall committed to helping our kids “relearn school.” In addition to recovering from the “learning loss” of the pandemic, we believed that we needed to help kids recover in regard to social, emotional, and behavioral needs as well. The kids have been amazingly receptive to our efforts in this area.
Thank you for being an active part of our SMS Family. We look forward to seeing you at Parent Teacher Conferences on November 10 and 17.
Mike Herdliska, Middle School Principal
Student and Staff recognition – October “Healthy and Respectful Relationships” assembly
Congratulations to the following students and staff members who were recognized for demonstrating healthy relationships in their lives: Greyson Burg, Lenora Cornally, Liam Gilroy, Ethan Lumpkin, Tanner Miller, Quinn Armentrout, Silas Billerbeck, John Rasmussen, Dayne Rickertsen, Griffin Spence, Deacon Waddell, Zoey Zoske, Zander Bishop, Lucas Feurbach, Grant Gordon, Jovie Moel, Brady Wick, Mrs. Burg, Mrs. Gordon, Ms. Hartlieb, Mr. Herdliska, Ms. Korth, Mrs. Woessner.
Career exploration
Each year 6th, 7th, and 8th graders participate in an off-site learning focused on career readiness and exploration. The first of these trips will be on Monday, Nov. 21 when the 7th grade participates in the STEAM Institute. Look for more detailed information prior to each activity.
Math changes
I’m sure you have all noticed that math classes look a little different this year. Throughout the year our math team, along with Emily Korth, our Instructional Program Facilitator, and other AEA and district leaders have participated in a number of professional development activities. These learning opportunities have been paired with planning sessions, co-teaching, and peer observations in hopes of best aligning our practices.
The middle school math department is implementing the Desmos Math Curriculum. This is a phenomenal resource that allows students to explore math concepts by manipulating visual tools and representations to help them build their math understanding. During class, students have the opportunity to discuss with their peers patterns and relationships they are making between the current task and prior knowledge they own. As a math team, we wanted to take a moment to share more about Desmos, so you can help your student be successful at home.
Desmos Classroom is a math education team on a mission to help every student learn math and love learning math. Our curriculum team is composed of former math teachers who love both the flexibility of paper and the power of computers to provoke wonder, enable mathematical creativity, and connect ideas.
Here is what you can expect for your student this year:
• A blend of learning on paper and with technology.
• Standards-aligned lessons that help students express their brilliance.
• Feedback that shows students what their ideas mean without judgment and encourages perseverance and revision.
• Resources within each lesson to meet the needs of diverse learners.
• A Family Resource for each unit that includes explanations of key math concepts and problems to try with your student.
We hope your student will enjoy exploring math using technology, working with friends to solve problems, and learning about different concepts.
We invite you to learn more about the Desmos Math Curriculum and who we are at
Jr. Optimist
Application forms are available in the office for students interested in participating in our Jr. Optimist organization. Our Jr. Optimist club is designed with a “kids helping kids” theme. Traditionally we have collected food for the Solon Food Pantry, provided Christmas gifts for needy families, and sponsored a “mini-dance” marathon” in conjunction with the University of Iowa’s Dance Marathon.
There is a $10 fee associated with this organization, which covers affiliation to Optimist International, who provides guidance to organizations like Jr. Optimist and SHS’s Octagon Club.
Additional information on other club opportunities will be coming soon.
Solon Middle School news
November 10, 2022