SOLON — For six weeks Solon kids from preschool through sixth grade learned the fundamentals of football as they competed in the Parks & Recreation Department’s youth flag football program.
A total of 181 kids participated on 21 teams with games held Monday nights at the Solon Recreation and Nature Area (SRNA) under the tutelage of volunteer coaches. While preschool-fourth grade played against each other, ten fifth and sixth graders competed in a league with Mount Vernon and Lisbon.
Now, with fall sports in the books, the focus turns to winter sports and basketball with three programs on tap:
“Junior Hoopers” – 1st-2nd grade boys and 1st-2nd grade girls meeting Sundays from Nov. 13 through Dec. 18 at the Solon Community Center.
5 vs. 5 girls – 3rd, 4th, and 5th-6th graders. Practices started the week of October 24 and games will be held Saturday mornings Nov. 12 through Dec. 17 at the Community Center.
5 vs. 5 boys – 3rd, 4th, and 5th-6th graders. Practices will start the week of January 9 and games will be held Saturday mornings Jan. 21 through Feb. 25 at the Community Center.
For more information go to or call 319-624-2499.
A running back loses his shoe while trying to avoid the “tackle” on the final night of the Solon Parks & Recreation Dept. flag football season Monday, October 17 at the SRNA.