SOLON — Solon’s Parks & Recreation Dept. hosted its fourth Trunk or Treat free Halloween event last Saturday at the Solon Recreation and Nature Area (SRNA) and attracted just over 1,000 kids and adults. McKenzie Macke, Administrative Asst. for Solon Parks & Recreation Dept., said the event had grown from about eight trunks the first year to 26 this time.
“This is one of our free community events that we offer. I reach out to businesses and individuals (to come, open their trunks or tailgates, and hand out candy and treats). We have a lot of individuals this year who live in the country and don’t get trick or treaters, who decided to come.” She added the event generates a lot of feedback, particularly from parents of young children who tell her, “It’s fun to walk around and be in a controlled (and safe) environment. It’s a great community event and we love to see the costumes.”
Reserve Deputy Giese represented the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office with Sgt. Schuerer and Sheriff Kunkel during the Parks & Recreation Department’s annual Trunk or Treat event Saturday, October 22 at the SRNA.