Recently, KCRG ran a fact check on Christina Bohannan’s baseless attack ad on Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks and found it was untrue, giving it a D rating.
This kind of behavior from Bohannan is exactly what is wrong with our political system today. Candidates should focus not on attacking their opponents but focus on issues that actually matter to the voters.
As a comparison, I have watched both of Congresswoman Miller-Meeks’ TV ad “My Iowa Story” and “Hard Work”. Let’s compare Congressman Miller-Meeks’ lifetime of accomplishments to candidate Bohannan! That would be a big “wow.”
I am proud that Dr. Miller-Meeks does not need to stoop down to cheap political shots, but instead chooses to highlight her strong work ethic. I have no doubt she will continue the work ethic she has had all of her life and do what is best for the people of Iowa in her next term.
I am proud of having Dr. Miller-Meeks representing us and plan to vote to reelect her on November 8.
I encourage you to do so as well.
Cathy Grawe
Coralville, IA 52241