The Iowa DNR would like to take this opportunity to encourage all Iowans to consider the important role clean drinking water plays in their lives.
The term “source water” is used to define drinking water in its original environment, either at the surface or below the ground, before being treated and distributed by a water system. The concept of source water protection is that carefully managing the land which drinking water travels through leads to increased natural water quality and better protection of the resource.
The state of Iowa and the Iowa DNR participate in this process through the Iowa Source Water Protection Program. This program provides communities with the information and resources needed to develop a source water protection plan for their drinking water source. Participating in the development of a source water protection plan is a voluntary way to help prevent contamination and improve the quality of your community’s most valuable resource.
For anyone interested in the development of a source water protection plan in your community, please visit the Iowa Source Water Protection Program web page at, or contact Matthew Dvorak, Source Water Protection Coordinator, at 515-322-7727 or [email protected]. For additional information on the AWWA Source Water Protection Week please visit their Source Water Protection Week web page at