Did you know the Solon Public Library offers a streaming service? Using your Solon Public Library card, you can access over 30,000 films with Kanopy. The diverse collection offers timely films, documentaries, and kids content. With easy to use apps available on your favorite device(s), including smart TVs, you can enjoy this amazing collection anytime!
Join Family History Librarian, Jeanne St. Christian, for a Family History series at the Library. We’ll learn how to organize your family history research, how to find your ancestors, and amazing family history resources. This series will be Mondays, October 3rd, 17th, and 24th at 6 p.m. No registration necessary. Attend one or more classes, we’d love to help you with your family history research.
Spend time with your little one building pre-reading skills while making new parent and caregiver friends at Baby Time. Mondays, through October 24th at 10:30 a.m. we’ll share nursery rhymes, sing songs, read books, and enjoy free play with age-appropriate toys. Attend one or more classes: we’d love to see you anytime!
October’s Storytime theme is all about the colors of Fall. Join us Tuesday mornings at 10:30 as we sing songs, read books, and play games. Grab a take & make activity for more fun at home.
We’ve had a blast teaming up with Solon Recreation for Family Fun Night this summer! We decided the fun doesn’t have to end, so mark your calendars for Family Fun Night on the second Saturday of the month (all year long). On October 8th we’ll start the fun with gym games at Solon Community Center at 6 p.m., then head to the auditorium for The Addams Family 2 at 7 p.m.
Don’t miss the Friends of the Library’s Annual Halloween Sale on Saturday, October 8th from 8 a.m. to Noon in the Library meeting room. The Friends will have a large variety of Halloween costumes and seasonal decor available. If you have costumes and decor you’ve outgrown, the Friends accept donations all year long. Support the Friends of the Library and find something for the spooky season.
Early-out Thursdays at the Library are all about the kids! BAM POW activities begin at 1:45 for Kindergarten through 5th graders, walk over to the Library after school to Build and Make, Play or Watch with us! CATS activities begin at 3:30 for 6th-12th graders and include some of our Creative Amazing Teens of Solon favorites like outdoor games, Kahoot!, trivia, and more.
DIY Night is all about trying a new thing, learning a skill or even discovering a new hobby. We’re learning how to transfer images onto candles. Register to join us for Creepy Candles on Tuesday, October 11th at 6:30 p.m.
It’s the Great Pumpkin Decorating Contest, Solon friends! Pick out the perfect pumpkin and get it all dressed up! Get creative, use paint, glue, or other materials, just don’t carve your pumpkin. Categories include Littles, Kids, Teens, Adults, and Families. Judges will rank based on creativity, use of materials, originality, and title Pick up an entry sheet for the full details of this contest. Pumpkins must be turned in by Wednesday, October 26th to be entered in the contest.
Cook up something new to enjoy with the Cookbook Club! This month we’re eating from Midwest Made: Big, Bold Baking from the Heartland by Shauna Sever. This cookbook features pastries, pies, cakes, and savories galore! Try a dish, bring it to share, and chat with other foodies on Saturday, October 15th at 11 a.m.
Save the date for Virtual Trivia Night on October 20th at 7 p.m. Gather your team (no limit on team size) or play as an individual to test your knowledge! The joy of a virtual trivia night is the ability to gather friends and family from across the country. This general knowledge trivia consists of four rounds, so get ready & enjoy the friendly competition!
We want to hear from YOU! Solon Public Library is in the process of creating our next 3 — 5 year strategic plan. We are hosting Community Focus Groups on two upcoming Sundays: October 9th and November 13th from 2:00 — 4:00 p.m. We will also be sharing a library survey that can be completed on paper or online. Your feedback and input will help us respond to community needs and shape our library’s future.
Please note the Library has the following upcoming closures for staff continuing education and safety training:
Thursday, October 13th, the Library will be closed.
Friday, October 28th, the Library will be closed.
What’s New?
A few of the new books on the nonfiction shelves this month:
Dream More: Celebrate the Dreamer in You by Dolly Parton. Expanding on the popular commencement speech Dolly Parton gave at the University of Tennessee, Dream More is a deeper and richer exploration of the personal philosophy she forged over the course of her astonishing career as a singer, songwriter, performer, and philanthropist.
An Immense World by Ed Yong. The Earth teems with sights and textures, sounds and vibrations, smells and tastes, electric and magnetic fields. But every kind of animal, including humans, is enclosed within its own unique sensory bubble, perceiving but a tiny sliver of our immense world. Here, author and Pulitzer Prize–winning science journalist Ed Yong coaxes us beyond the confines of our own senses, allowing us to perceive the skeins of scent, waves of electromagnetism, and pulses of pressure that surround us.
These Precious Days by Ann Patchett. As a writer, Ann Patchett knows what the outcome of her fiction will be. Life, however, often takes turns we do not see coming. Patchett ponders this truth in these wise essays that afford a fresh and intimate look into her mind and heart. At the center of These Precious Days is the title essay, a surprising and moving meditation on an unexpected friendship with Tom Hanks’s brilliant assistant, Sooki, that explores what it means “to find someone who could see us as our best and most complete selves.”
Fans of Ann Patchett are invited to join us on Tuesday, November 1st at 6:30 pm for a Library Watch Party of the Local Libraries LIT virtual author visit with Patchett.