Chris Umscheid
Julia Steinbrech (left) and Rose McAtee hold their trophies from the Market Beef Show Wednesday, July 27 at the Johnson County Fair. Julia is a member of the Graham Champions 4-H club while Rose is a member of Macbride’s Pride 4-H club.
IOWA CITY — Members of the Graham Champions and Macbride’s Pride 4-H clubs participated in the 2022 Johnson County Fair last week, earning numerous awards across all categories for judging, and qualifying several entries for the Iowa State Fair.
Market beef were in the show ring Wednesday, July 27 with Emily Pence winning the Champion Light Weight Crossbred Steer trophy as well as the Top 5 Award. Pence is a member of Macbride’s Pride. Lane Steinbrech, Rose McAtee, and Weston Steinbrech, all with Graham Champions, also hoisted hardware with Lane winning the Reserve Champion Shorthorn Steer, Rose winning Reserve Champion Heavy Weight Crossbred Steer, and Weston winning Reserve Champion Medium Weight Crossbred Steer.
Madison Craig, the 2021 Johnson County Fair Queen and a member of Macbride’s Pride, showed the Champion Senior Bucket Bottle Calf and was selected to compete in the Iowa State Fair in extemporaneous speaking.
Solon was also represented by 2022 Johnson County Fair Queen Sydney Divoky and 2022 Johnson County Fair Princess Elly Holubar. The pair, with Graham Champions, put in many appearances throughout the fair and handed out awards while winning several themselves with Sydney showing the Champion Brown Swiss (dairy cow), and winning the Champion Master Dairy Showmanship trophy while Elly showed a number of champion rabbits and sheep among other award winning entries.
The Iowa State Fair opens Thursday, August 11 and runs through Sunday, August 21 at the State Fairgrounds in Des Moines.
2022 Johnson County Fair results for Graham Champions and Macbride’s Pride 4-H clubs
Beef/Market Beef/20256: 2nd Year Bucket Bottle Calf
Autumn Miller, 5th (Blue), Graham Champions
Beef/Market Beef/20258: Breed Steer
Julia Steinbrech, 1st (Purple), Graham Champions. William McAtee, 2nd (Purple), Graham Champions. Lane Steinbrech 2nd, Reserve Champion Shorthorn Steer, Graham Champions. Julia Steinbrech, 4th (Purple), Graham Champions
Beef/Market Beef/20259: Crossbred Steer
Emily Pence, 1st (Purple), Champion Light Weight Crossbred Steer, Top 5 Award, Macbride’s Pride. Rose McAtee, 2nd (Purple), Reserve Champion Heavy Weight Crossbred Steer, Graham Champions. Weston Steinbrech, 2nd (Purple), Reserve Champion Medium Weight Crossbred Steer, Graham Champions. Weston Steinbrech, 3rd (Blue), Graham Champions
Bucket Bottle Calves/20440: Senior Members – 1st Year Calf
Madison Craig, 1st (Purple), Champion Senior Bucket Bottle Calf, Macbride’s Pride
Bucket Bottle Calves/20551: Intermediate Members – 1st Year Calf
Mackenzie Craig, 1st (Purple), Champion Intermediate Bucket Bottle Calf, Macbride’s Pride
Bella Van Etten, 5th (Blue), Graham Champions. Ronan Egly, 6th (Blue), Graham Champions
Bucket Bottle Calves/20552: Junior Members – 1st Year Calf
Autumn Miller, 3rd (Blue), Graham Champions. Reece Meyer, 4th (Blue), Graham Champions
Clothing Event/$15 Challenge/12302: Int. $15 Challenge
Madison Singbeil, Blue, Macbride’s Pride
Clothing Event/$15 Challenge/123-3: Sr. $15 Challenge
Madison Craig, Blue, State Fair Selected, Macbride’s Pride. Ellyse Holubar, Blue, Graham Champions
Clothing Event/Fashion Revue/12101: Jr. Fashion Review
Ellyse Holubar, Blue, Graham Champions
Clothing Event/Fashion Revue/12103: Sr. Fashion Review
Ellyse Holubar, Blue, Graham Champions
Communication/Educational Presentations/11100: Educational Presentation – Senior
Madison Craig, Excellence Award, Macbride’s Pride. Brooke Bowersox, Merit Award, Graham Champions. Weston Steinbrech, Participation Award, Graham Champions. Joshua Gaffey, Participation Award, Graham Champions
Communication/Educational Presentations/11101: Educational Presentation – Intermediate
Mackenzie Craig, Excellence Award. Kacey Craig, Excellence Award. Mackenzie Craig, Participation Award, Macbride’s Pride.
Communication/Educational Presentations/11102: Educational Presentation – Junior
Jack Steinbrech, Excellence Award, Selected for State Fair, Graham Champions. Lane Steinbrech, Merit Award, Graham Champions. Bohdan Tomash, Participation Award, Graham Champions. Mackenna Crag, Excellence Award. Mackenna Craig, Participation Award
Communication/Extemporaneous Speaking/11400: Extemporaneous Speaking
Madison Crag, Excellence Award, Selected for State Fair, Macbride’s Pride
Communication/Share the Fun/11300: Share the Fun
Ellyse Holubar, Participation Award, Selected for State Fair, Graham Champions
Communication/Working Exhibits/11202: Working Exhibits
Mackenzie Craig, Excellence Award, Selected for State Fair. Mackenna Craig, Excellence Award, Selected for State Fair. Madison Singbeil, Merit Award, Selected for State Fair, Macbride’s Pride. Brooke Bowersox, Merit Award, Selected for State Fair
Dairy Cattle/Dairy Cattle/21208: Brown Swiss Junior Yearling
Sydney Divoky, 1st (Purple), Champion Brown Swiss, Champion Master Dairy Showmanship, Graham Champions
Dairy Cattle/Dairy Cattle/21211: Brown Swiss Cows
Sydney Divoky, 1st (Purple), Graham Champions. Sydney Divoky, 2nd (Blue), Graham Champions
Dairy Cattle/Dairy Cattle/21217: Guernsey Cows
Kaden Recker, Purple, Champion Junior Dairy Showmanship, Reserve Champion Guernsey, Graham Champions
Dairy Cattle/Dairy Cattle/21218: Holstein Junior Calf
Ellyse Holubar, 2nd (Blue), Graham Champions
Dairy Cattle/21230: Milking Shorthorn Junior Calf
Olivia Divoky, 1st (Purple), Reserve Champion Senior Dairy Showmanship, Graham Champion
Dairy Cattle/21340: Crossbred 2-year-old
Olivia Divoky, 2nd (Blue), Graham Champions
Dairy Goat/Dairy Goat/21102: Dairy Junior Doe – Junior Kid Born After April 1, 2022
Sydney Divoky, 1st (Purple), Champion Junior Doe Dairy Goat, Champion Senior Dairy Goat Showmanship, Grand Champion Dairy Doe. Olivia Divoky, 3rd (Blue), Graham Champion
Dairy Goat/Dairy Goat/21104: Dairy Junior Doe – Senior Kid Born Jan. 1, 2022 – March 31, 2022
Sydney Divoky, 2nd (Purple), Graham Champions. Olivia Divoky, 3rd (Blue), Graham Champions. Sydney Divoky, 4th (Blue), Graham Champions. Olivia Divoky, 7th (Blue), Graham Champions
Dairy Goat/Dairy Goat/21106: Dairy Junior Doe – Dry Yearling Under 2 Years – Born July 1, 2020-Dec. 31 2021
Sydney Divoky, 3rd (Blue), Graham Champions
Dairy Goat/Dairy Goat/21108: Dairy Senior Doe – Yearling Milker Under 2 Years – Born after July 1, 2020
Olivia Divoky, 1st (Purple), Reserve Champion Senior Dairy Goat Showmanship, Reserve Champion Senior Doe Dairy Goat
Dairy Goat/Dairy Goat/ 21110: Dairy Senior Doe – Milker 2 Years and Under 3 Years
Olivia Divoky, 2nd (Purple), Graham Champions
Dairy Goat/Dairy Goat/21112: Dairy Senior Doe – Milker 3 Years and Under 4 Years
Olivia Divoky, 2nd (Purple), Graham Champions. Sydney Divoky, 3rd (Blue), Graham Champions
Dairy Goat/Dairy Goat/21114: Dairy Senior Doe – Milker 4 Years and Older
Olivia Divoky, 2nd (Purple), Graham Champions. Sydney Divoky, 3rd (Blue), Graham Champions
Dairy Goat/Dairy Goat/21116: Dairy Goat – Dam and Daughter
Olivia Divoky, 2nd (Blue), Reserve Champion Dairy Goat, Dam and Daughter, Graham Champions. Olivia Divoky, 3rd (Blue), Graham Champions. Sydney Divoky, 4th (Blue), Graham Champions
Dog/Agility and Rally/34265: Novice Agility/Medium Dog 15”-24” – On Leash
Autumn Miller, Blue, Graham Champions
Dog/Agility and Rally/34267: Novice Agility Large Dog Over 24” – On Leash
Addison Schultes, Purple, Graham Champions
Dog/Agility and Rally/34273: Open Agility Large Dog Over 24: — Off Leash
Avery Schultes, 1st (Purple), Champion Open Agility, Large Dogs, Graham Champions
Dog/Agility and Rally/34280: Open Class
Avery Schultes, Blue, Graham Champions
Dog/Agility and Rally/34285: Rally Senior
Avery Schultes, Purple, Graham Champions
Dog/Agility and Rally /34287: Rally Intermediate
Addison Schultes, Blue, Graham Champions
Dog/Agility and Rally/34289: Rally Junior
Autumn Miller, Blue, Graham Champions
Dog/Obedience/34204: Preferred Novice A Obedience
Autumn Miller, Purple, Graham Champions
Dog/Obedience/34207: Novice B Obedience
Avery Schultes 2nd (Purple), Champion Senior Dog Showmanship, Reserve Champion Novice B Obedience, Graham Champions
Horse and Pony/In-Hand and Pleasure Day Classes/35607: Aged Mare, 3 and over
Addison Schultes, 5th (Blue), Graham Champions. Avery Schultes, Blue, Graham Champions
Horse and Pony/In-Hand and Pleasure Day Classes/35608: Showmanship: Senior (9th-12th Grade)
Avery Schultes, 4th (Blue), Graham Champions
Horse and Pony/In-Hand and Pleasure Day Classes/35609: Showmanship: Intermediate (7th-8th Grade)
Addison Schultes, 1st (Blue), Champion Horse and Pony Intermediate Showmanship
Horse and Pony/In-Hand and Pleasure Day Classes/35610: Showmanship: Junior (4th-6th Grade)
Autumn Miller, Red, Graham Champions
Horse and Pony/In-Hand and Pleasure Day classes/35702: Advanced English Pleasure
Avery Schultes, 2nd (Blue), Graham Champions. Addison Schultes, Red, Graham Champions
Horse and Pony/In-Hand and Pleasure Day Classes/35705: Advanced English Equitation
Avery Schultes, 4th (Blue), Graham Champions. Addison Schultes, 5th (Red), Graham Champions
Horse and Pony/In-Hand and Pleasure Day Classes/35708: Advanced Walk-Trot (OT)
Avery Schultes, 3rd (Purple), Graham Champions. Addison Schultes, Red, Graham Champions
Horse and Pony/In-Hand and Pleasure Day Classes/35710: Novice Walk (OT)
Autumn Miller, Red, Graham Champions
Horse and Pony/In-Hand and Pleasure Day Classes/35711: Advanced Western Pleasure
Avery Schultes, 4th (Blue), Graham Champions. Addison Schultes, Red, Graham Champions
Horse and Pony/In-Hand and Pleasure Day Classes/35713: Novice Western Pleasure
Autumn Miller, Red, Graham Champions
Horse and Pony/In-Hand and Pleasure Day Classes/35716: Novice Western Horsemanship
Autumn Miller, Blue, Graham Champions
Horse and Pony/In-Hand and Pleasure Day Classes/35717: Advanced Ranch Pleasure
Avery Schultes, 2nd (Purple), Graham Champions. Addison Schultes, Red, Graham Champions
Horse and Pony/In-Hand and Pleasure Day Classes/35719: Novice Ranch Pleasure
Autumn Miller, Red, Graham Champions
Horse and Pony/In-Hand and Pleasure Day Classes/35720: Advanced Ranch Riding
Avery Schultes, 4th (Blue), Graham Champions. Addison Schultes, Blue, Graham Champions
Horse and Pony/In-Hand and Pleasure Day Classes/35722: Novice Ranch Riding
Autumn Miller, Blue, Graham Champions
Horse and Pony/In-Hand and Pleasure Day Classes/35724: Advanced Reining
Addison Schultes, 2nd (Blue), Graham Champions. Avery Schultes, 5th (Blue), Graham Champions
Horse and Pony/Trail and Game Events Day Classes/35801: Advanced Trail (OT)
Addison Schultes, 3rd (Purple), Graham Champions. Avery Schultes, Blue, Graham Champions
Horse and Pony/Trail and Game Events Day Classes/35803: Novice Trail (OT)
Autumn Miller, Red, Graham Champions
Horse and Pony/Trail and Game Events Day Classes/35901: Advanced Egg and Spoon
Avery Schultes, 4th (Blue), Graham Champions. Addison Schultes, Blue, Graham Champions
Pets/Pets/34801: Junior Pet Class
Mackenna Craig, 1st (Purple), Champion Junior Pet Showmanship, Macbride’s Pride. Autumn Miller, 2nd (Blue), Reserve Champion Junior Pet Showmanship, Graham Champions. Mia Egly, Blue, Graham Champions
Intermediate Pet Class
Mackenzie Craig, 1st (Purple), Champion Intermediate Pet Showmanship, Macbride’s Pride
Pets/Pets/34803: Senior Pet Class
Madison Craig, 2nd (Blue), Reserve Champion Senior Pet Showmanship. Brooke Bowersox, Blue, Graham Champions
Poultry/Bantam/26801: Non-Commercial Bantam Pair, 1 male 1 female of fancy fowl of same breed
Makenzie Craig, 1st (Blue), Champion Non-Commercial Bantam Pair, Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, Red, Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Red, Macbride’s Pride
Poultry/Bantam/26802: Non-Commercial Bantam, Individual male or female of fancy fowl
Madison Craig, 1st (Purple), Champion Non-Commercial Bantam Individual, Macbride’s Pride. Mackenzie Craig, 2nd (Purple), Reserve Champion Non-Commercial Bantam Individual, Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Blue, Macbride’s Pride
Poultry/Chickens/26001: Standardized Egg Production Pullets, Pen of 3
Madison Craig, 1st (Purple), Champion Egg Production, Champion Standardized Egg Production Pullets, Pen of 3. Mackenna Craig, Purple, Macbride’s Pride. Mackenzie Craig, Blue, Macbride’s Pride. Jeremiah Bartlett, Blue, Graham Champions.
Poultry/Chickens/26002: Egg Production, Pen of 3 under 24 weeks of age
Mackenzie Craig, 2nd (Purple), Reserve Champion Egg Production, Pen of 3 under 24 weeks of age. Madison Craig, Purple, Macbride’s Pride. Autumn Miller, Purple, Graham Champions. Mackenna Craig, Blue, Macbride’s Pride
Poultry/Chickens/26003: Egg Production, Pen of 3 Hens 1 year or older
Tess Richards, 1st (Red) Champion Egg Production, Pen of 3 Hens 1 year or older, Champion Intermediate Poultry Showmanship, Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, 2nd (Red), Reserve Champion Egg Production Hens, Pen of 3 1 year or older, Macbride’s Pride. Mackenzie Craig, Red, Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, Red, Macbride’s Pride
Poultry/Chickens/26004: Meat Production, Pen of 3 chickens under 3 months of age
Madison Craig, 1st (Purple), Champion Meat Production, Pen of 3 chickens under 3 months of age, Macbride’s Pride. Autumn Miller, Blue, Graham Champions
Poultry/Chickens/26005: Standardized Meat Production: Pen of 3 Broilers
Autumn Miller, 1st (Purple), Champion Meat Production, Champion Standardized Meat Pen: Pen of 3 Broilers, Reserve Champion Best of Show, Graham Champions. Madison Craig, 2nd (Purple), Reserve Champion Standardized Meat Pen: Pen of 3 Broilers. Tess Richards, Red, Macbride’s Pride
Poultry/Ducks/ 26400: Standardized Meat Production Ducks: Pen of 2
Mackenna Craig, 1st (Purple), Champion Standardized Meat Production Ducks: Pen of 2, Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, 2nd (Purple), Reserve Champion Standardized Meat Production Ducks: Pen of 2, Macbride’s Pride. Mackenzie Craig, Blue, Macbride’s Pride
Poultry/Ducks/26401: Meat Production: Pen of 3 ducks, under 4 months of age
Madison Craig, 1st (Purple), Champion Meat Production – Pen of 3 Ducks, Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, 2nd (Purple), Reserve Champion Pen of 3 Ducks, under 4 months of age, Macbride’s Pride
Poultry/Game Birds/28002: Individual, male or female
Mackenzie Craig, 1st (Purple), Champion Game Bird Individual, Macbride’s Pride
Poultry/Geese/26601: Pen of 3 Geese under 5 months of age
Madison Craig, 1st (Purple), Champion Pen of 3 Geese under 5 months of age, Macbride’s Pride
Poultry/Geese/26602: Standardized Pen of 2 Geese
Mackenna Craig, 1st (Purple), Champion Meat Production – Pen of 2 Geese, Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, 2nd (Purple), Reserve Champion Meat Production – Pen of 2 Geese
Poultry/Non-Commercial/27001: Non-Commercial Standard Pair, 1 male 1 female fowl of same breed
Madison Craig, 1st (Purple), Champion Non-Commercial Standard Pair, Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Red, Macbride’s Pride
Poultry/Non-Commercial/27002: Non-Commercial Standard Individual male or female fowl
Madison Craig, Blue, Macbride’s Pride. Autumn Miller, Blue, Graham Champions. Tess Richards, Blue, Macbride’s Pride. Mackenzie Craig, Blue, Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Blue, Macbride’s Pride
Rabbit/Commercial Breeds/33714: Argente Bruns Senior Doe
Olivia Divoky, 1st (Purple), Best of Breed, Graham Champions
Rabbit/Commercial Breeds/33726: Californian Senior Doe
Ellyse Holubar, 1st (Purple), Best of Breed, Champion Commercial Breed Rabbit, Reserve Grand Champion, Graham Champions. Ellyse Holubar, 2nd (Blue), Graham Champions
Rabbit/Commercial Breeds/33731: Champagne D’Argent Senior Buck
Olivia Divoky, Red, Graham Champions
Rabbit/Commercial Breeds/33732: Champagne D’Argent Senior Doe
Olivia Divoky, 1st (Purple), Best of Breed, Reserve Champion Commercial Breed Rabbit, Graham Champions
Rabbit/Commercial Breeds/33791: New Zealand Senior Buck
Ellyse Holubar, 1st (Blue), Graham Champions
Rabbit/Commercial Breeds/33792: New Zealand Senior Doe
Ellyse Holubar, 1st (Blue), Graham Champions. Ellyse Holubar, 2nd (Blue), Graham Champions
Rabbit/Commercial Breeds/33794: New Zealand 6-8 Doe
Ellyse Holubar, 1st (Blue), Graham Champions
Rabbit/Commercial Breeds/33795: New Zealand Junior Buck
Ellyse Holubar, 1st (Blue), Graham Champions
Rabbit/Commercial Breeds/33796: New Zealand Junior Doe
Ellyse Holubar, 1st (Purple), Best of Breed, Graham Champions
Rabbit/Fancy Breeds/33574: Individual, Holland Lop, Senior Doe
Mackenna Craig, Red, Champion Junior Rabbit Showmanship, Macbride’s Pride
Rabbit/Fancy Breeds/33593: Individual, Mini Satin, Senior Buck
Mackenzie Craig, 1st (Purple), Best of Breed, Reserve Champion Intermediate Rabbit Showmanship, Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, 2nd (Blue), Champion Senior Rabbit Showmanship, Macbride’s Pride
Rabbit/Fancy Breeds/33594: individual, Mini Satin, Senior Doe
Kacey Craig, 2nd (Blue), Champion Intermediate Rabbit Showmanship
Rabbit/Fancy Breeds/33597: Individual, Netherland Dwarf, Senior Buck
Sydney Divoky, 3rd (Red), Graham Champions
Rabbit/Fancy Breeds/33598: Individual, Netherland Dwarf, Senior Doe
Shawna Lindemann, Red, Macbride’s Pride
Rabbit/Fancy Breeds/33625: Individual, Silver Marten, Senior Buck
Olivia Divoky, 1st (Blue), Graham Champions. Reece Meyer, 2nd (Blue), Graham Champions
Rabbit/Fancy Breeds/33626: Individual, Silver Marten, Senior Doe
Olivia Divoky, 1st (Blue), Graham Champions. Olivia Divoky, 2nd (Blue), Graham Champions
Rabbit/Fancy Breeds/33627: Individual, Silver Marten, Junior Buck
Olivia Divoky, 1st (Blue), Graham Champions. Olivia Divoky, 2nd (Blue), Graham Champions
Rabbit/Fancy Breeds/33628: Individual, Silver Marten Junior Doe
Olivia Divoky, 1st (Purple), Best of Breed, Reserve Champion Fancy Breed Rabbit, Graham Champions. Olivia Divoky, 2nd (Blue), Graham Champions
Rabbit/Fur Classes/33901: Normal White Breed Fur (New Zealand, Florida White, Mini-Lop, etc.)
Ellyse Holubar, 1st (Purple), Champion White Colored Breed Fur, Graham Champions
Rabbit/Fur Classes/33902: Normal Colored Breed Fur (Havana, Silver Marten, Holland Lop, etc.)
Olivia Divoky, 1st (Purple), Champion Normal Colored Breed Fur, Graham Champions. Mackenna Craig, 2nd (Blue), Macbride’s Pride. Ellyse Holubar, 3rd (Blue), Graham Champions. Shawna Lindemann, 5th (Blue), Macbride’s Pride
Rabbit/Fur Classes/33904: Satin Fur (Satin and Mini Satin)
Kacey Craig, 1st (Purple), Champion Satin Fur, Macbride’s Pride. Mackenzie Craig, 2nd (Blue), Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, 3rd (Blue), Macbride’s Pride
Rabbit/Johnson County Bred Junior Rabbit/33699: Johnson County Bred Junior Rabbit
Olivia Divoky, 1st (Purple), Champion Johnson County Bred Rabbit, Graham Champions
Rabbit/Production Classes/33301: Light Market Pen of 3: Under 3 months (Born April 29 or after) and not weighing more than 4 ½ lbs.
Ellyse Holubar, 1st (Purple), Champion Light Weight Pen of 3, Graham Champions
Rabbit/Production Classes/33302: Heavy Market Pen of 3: Under 3 months (Born April 29 or after) and not weighing over 5 ½ lbs.
Ellyse Holubar, 1st (Purple), Champion Heavy Weight Pen of 3, Graham Champions
Rabbit/Production Classes/33303: Single Fryer: Under 3 months (Born April 29 or after) and not weighing over 5 ½ lbs.
Ellyse Holubar, 1st (Purple), Champion Single Fryer, Graham Champions
Sheep/Breeding Sheep/30506: Breeding Ewe Lamb, Black Face
Ellyse Holubar, 1st (Purple), Reserve Champion Black Face Ewe, Graham Champions. Ellyse Holubar, 3rd (Purple), Reserve Grand Champion Breeding Ewe, Graham Champions
Sheep/Market Sheep/31008: Individual Speckle/White Faced Market Lamb
Ellyse Holubar, 1st (Purple), Reserve Champion White Breed Influence Market Lamb, Graham Champions. Ellyse Holubar, 2nd (Purple), Graham Champions
Sheep/Market Sheep/31009: Individual Market Ewe Class
Rose McAtee, 2nd (Purple), Reserve Champion Individual Market Ewe, Graham Champions. William McAtee, 3rd (Purple), Graham Champions
Sheep/Market Sheep/31010: Individual Market Lamb
Ellyse Holubar, 2nd (Purple), Champion Senior Sheep Showmanship, Reserve Champion Light Weight Market, Reserve Champion Premier Sheep Showmanship, Graham Champions. Rose McAtee, 3rd (Purple), Graham Champions. William McAtee, 3rd (Blue), Graham Champions
Static/Ag and Natural Resources/10230: Horticulture and Plant Science
Bohdan Tomash, Blue, “How to make compost into dirt,” Graham Champions. Mary Richards, Blue, “Project about Propagation and what I’ve learned about it,” Macbride’s Pride
Static/Ag and Natural Resources/10260: Other Agriculture and Natural Resources
Madison Craig, Purple, “Iowa’s poisonous plants poster,” Macbride’s Pride
Static/Creative Arts/10310: Music
Addison Walter, Blue, tree sap, Macbride’s Pride
Static/Creative Arts/10320: Photography
Madison Singbeil, Blue, “A picture of Arlington National Cemetery of all of the graves,” Macbride’s Pride. Madison Singbeil, Blue, “The picture will be of my baby sister Frankie when she is just being herself,” Macbride’s Pride. Anthony Havlicek, Blue, “1,” Graham Champions. Anthony Havlicek, Blue “2,” Graham Champions. Anthony Havlicek, Blue, “3,” Graham Champions. Ella Havlicek, “1,” Blue, Graham Champions. Ella Havlicek, Purple, Honorable Mention, “2,” Graham Champions. Anthony Havlicek, Blue, “4,” Graham Champions. Anthony Havlicek, Purple, Honorable Mention, “5,” Graham Champions. Ellyse Holubar, Blue, “Scenic,” Graham Champions. Ellyse Holubar, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Scenic,” Graham Champions. Ellyse Holubar, Blue, Graham Champions. Ellyse Holubar, Blue, “Florida,” Graham Champions. Jack Steinbrech, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Nature Photo,” Graham Champions. Jack Steinbrech, Blue, “Nature Photo,” Graham Champions. Jack Steinbrech, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Nature Photo,” Graham Champions. Jack Steinbrech, Blue, “Nature Photo,” Graham Champions. Jack Steinbrech, Blue, “Nature Photo,” Graham Champions. Adalyn Osterkamp, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Nature Photo,” Graham Champions. Addison Walter, Blue, “Monarch on pink flower,” Macbride’s Pride. Addison Walter, Blue, “Starfish with bubbles,” Macbride’s Pride. Addison Walter, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Orange cat,” Macbride’s Pride. Addison Walter, Blue, “Kitten on tires,” Macbride’s Pride. Kate Richards, Blue, “Orange sunset with dark clouds,” Macbride’s Pride. Kate Richards, Blue, “Yellow and white Daisy’s,” Macbride’s Pride. Kate Richards, Blue, “Pink Echinacea flowers (horizontal),” Macbride’s Pride. Kate Richards, Blue, “Pink Echinacea flower (vertical),” Macbride’s Pride. Kate Richards, Blue, “Orange cat,” Macbride’s Pride. Mary Richards, Purple, Selected for State Fair – Photo, “Green plant with water drops,” Macbride’s Pride. Mary Richards, Blue, “White flowers,” Macbride’s Pride. Mary Richards, Blue, “Close up pink flower,” Macbride’s Pride. Mary Richards, Blue, “Lake with sunset background,” Macbride’s Pride. Mary Richards, Blue, “Green plant with water drops,” Macbride’s Pride. Tess Richards, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Picture of a sunset at the beach,” Macbride’s Pride. Allen Shima, Blue, “Red shed,” Macbride’s Pride. Allen Shima, Blue, “Mel – The semi-retired show rabbit,” Macbride’s Pride. Allen Shima, Blue, “Crab on the beach,” Macbride’s Pride. Allen Shima, Blue, Allen Yamaha TTR 125 dirt bike,” Macbride’s Pride. Allen Shima, Blue, 1988 Ford F250,” Macbride’s Pride. Shawna Lindemann, Blue, “8×10 of berries close up matted on black mat board,” Macbride’s Pride. Shawna Lindemann, Blue, “8×10 photo of a peach attached to the tree. Close up, matted on black mat board,” Macbride’s Pride. Shawna Lindemann, Blue, “5×7 photo of an old gas meter matted on black mat board,” Macbride’s Pride. Shawna Lindemann, Purple, Honorable Mention, “8×10 photo of a broken gas gauge matted on black mat board,” Macbride’s Pride. Shawna Lindeman, Blue, “5×7 photo of deer skull matted on black mat board,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenzie Craig, Blue, “City of Honolulu,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenzie Craig, Blue, “Palm trees in Oahu, HI,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenzie Craig, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Pink Hibiscus flower, Oahu, HI,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenzie Craig, Blue, “Halona Blowhole Lookout, Oahu, HI,” Macbride’s Pride. William McAtee, Blue, “Blue sky picture of sunrays shining through clouds,” Graham Champions. Sydney Chapman, Blue, “8×10 close up sunflower matted on black mat board,” Macbride’s Pride. Sydney Chapman, Blue, “5×7 close up dog matted on black mat board,” Macbride’s Pride. Sydney Chapman, Blue, “8×10 Chicago skyline matted on black mat board,” Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, Blue, “Palm tree,” Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Jellyfish,” Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Rabbit,” Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, Blue, “Hawaii coast,” Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, Blue, “Washington, D.C.,” Macbride’s Pride. Sydney Chapman, Blue, “8×10 close up Tiger Lily flower matted on black mat board,” Macbride’s Pride. Sydney Chapman, Blue, “5×7 cement tubes matted on black mat board,” Macbride’s Pride. Emily Pence, Blue, “Sunset,” Macbride’s Pride. Emily Pence, Blue, “Cow sunset,” Macbride’s Pride. Emily Pence, Blue, “Cow-Ace,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Blue, “Rabbit,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Purple, Selected for State Fair — Photo, “Baby kittens,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Blue, “Flower,” Macbride’s Pride. Ellyse Holubar, Blue, “Veterans memorial flowers,” Graham Champions. Adalyn Osterkamp, Blue, Graham Champions
Static/Creative Arts/10350: Visual Arts – Original Art
Madison Singbeil, Blue, “Flamingo on a beach,” Macbride’s Pride. Anthony Havlicek, Purple, Honorable Mention, “1,” Graham Champions. Ella Havlicek, Blue, “3,” Graham Champions. Georgia Havlicek, Purple, Selected for State Fair – Visual Arts, “1,” Graham Champions. Brooke Bowersox, Blue, “Stained glass flower,” Graham Champions. Brooke Bowersox, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Stained glass cupcake,” Graham Champions. Brooke Bowersox, Blue, “Stained glass geometric square,” Graham Champions. Brooke Bowersox, Blue, Stained glass tree,” Graham Champions. Brooke Bowersox, Blue, “Splatter painting,” Graham Champions. Ellyse Holubar, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Painted pot,” Graham Champions. Allen Shima, Blue, “Wooden keyboard,” Macbride’s Pride. Autumn Miller, Blue, “Sunflower pottery,” Graham Champions. Autumn Miller, Blue, “Cow paper mache,” Graham Champions. Autumn Miller, Blue, “Cow drawing,” Graham Champions
Static/Creative Arts/10355: Visual Arts – Design, Process, or Technique Exploration
Ella Havlicek, Purple, Honorable Mention, “1,” Graham Champions. Adalyn Osterkamp, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Squeegee painting,” Graham Champions. Mackenzie Craig, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Big cats pencil drawing,” Macbride’s Pride
Static/Family and Consumer Sciences/10410: Child Development
Brooke Bowersox, Purple, Selected for State Fair – Child Development, “Ladybug CDs,” Graham Champions. Ellyse Holubar, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Children’s Book,” Graham Champions. Bohdan Tomash, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Homemade bubble art,” Graham Champions. Shawna Lindemann, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Repurposed travel backpack for kids,” Macbride’s Pride
Static/Family and Consumer Sciences/10420: Clothing and Fashion – Constructed/Sewn
Ellyse Holubar, Red, “Dress,” Graham Champions
Static/Family and Consumer Sciences/10430: Consumer Management
Mackenzie Craig, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Cheeze-It vs. Goldfish crackers comparison poster,” Macbride’s Pride
Static/Family and Consumer Sciences/10440: Food and Nutrition – Prepared Products
Madison Singbeil, Blue, “Red velvet white chocolate chip cookies,” Macbride’s Pride. Ellyse Holubar, Blue, Graham Champions. Adalyn Osterkamp, Blue, “Cake,” Graham Champions. Mia Egly, Blue, “Chocolate chip cookies,” Graham Champions. Tess Richards, Blue, “Chocolate peanut butter Scotcharoo bars,” Macbride’s Pride. Shawna Lindemann, Blue, “Cinnamon swirl quick bread,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Carmel apple pie,” Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, Blue, “Dutch letters,” Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, Blue, “Cherry pie,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Blue, “Scotcharoos,” Macbride’s Pride. Bodhan Tomash, Purple, Honorable Mention, Graham Champions. Emily Pence, Blue, Macbride’s Pride
Static/Family and Consumer Sciences/10445: Food and Nutrition – Educational Display
Brooke Bowersox, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Mock cherry pie,” Graham Champions. Mackenzie Craig, Purple, “Selected for State Fair – Food and Nutrition, “Cheez-Its or Goldfish crackers,” Macbride’s Pride
Static/Family and Consumer Sciences/10460: Home Improvement
Ellyse Holubar, Purple, Selected for State Fair – Home Improvement, Graham Champions. Bohdan Tomash, Blue, “How to make homemade sea glass,” Graham Champions. Kate Richards, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Flower bed makeover,” Macbride’s Pride. Shawna Lindemann, Purple, Selected for State Fair – Home Improvement, “Whiskey barrel with deer head mount,” Macbride’s Pride. Emily Pence, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Footstool bench,” Macbride’s Pride. Emily Pence, Blue, “Hotpad towel,” Macbride’s Pride
Static/Family and Consumer Sciences/10470: Sewing and Needle Arts – Constructed Items
Brooke Bowersox, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Quilt with butterfly blocks from my great grandmother, a purple border, and teal corner medallions,” Graham Champions. Ellyse Holubar, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Christmas quilt,” Graham Champions. Ellyse Holubar, Purple, Selected for State Fair – Textiles and Clothing/Sewing, “Wall hanging,” Graham Champions. Kate Richards, Blue, “Red and white tea towel with words, ‘This kitchen is seasoned with love,’ Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Blue, “Hand towel,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Blue, “Quilted table runner,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Blue, “Braided edge blanket,” Macbride’s Pride. Kacey Craig, Blue, “Braided tied blanket – Lightning McQueen,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenzie Craig, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Red, with and blue braided blanket,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenzie Craig, Blue, “Pineapple hanging towel,” Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Elementary art quilt,” Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, Blue, “Chicken embellishment pillow,” Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Braided edge blanket,” Macbride’s Pride. Makenna Craig, Blue, “Sunflower pillowcase,” Macbride’s Pride
Static/Garden/40102: Beans, snap, six specimens
Anthony Havlicek, Purple, Honorable Mention, Graham Champions. Ella Havlicek, Purple, Honorable Mention, Graham Champions
Static/Garden/40115: Carrots, three specimens
Georgia Havlicek, Purple, Honorable Mention, Graham Champions
Static/Garden/40120: Cabbage, round, one head
Madison Craig, Blue, “Bravo cabbage,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Blue, “Ruby perfection,” Macbride’s Pride
Static/Garden/40130: Cucumbers, for slicing, three specimens
Ella Havlicek, Blue, Cucumbers, Graham Champions. Georgia Havlicek, Red, Cucumbers, Graham Champions. Mackenna Craig, Red, Homemade pickles, Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, Red, Homemade pickles, Macbride’s Pride
Static/Garden/40141: Eggplant, Oriental Type, one specimen
Madison Craig, Purple, Honorable Mention, Black Beauty eggplant, Macbride’s Pride. Mackenzie Craig, Blue, Black Beauty eggplant, Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Blue, Black Beauty eggplant, Macbride’s Pride
Static/Garden/40174: Peppers, Sweet, Bell, Blocky, and other specimens, three specimens
Madison Craig, Blue, California Wonder Pepper, Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Blue, California Wonder Pepper, Macbride’s Pride
Static/Garden/40179: Peppers, Hot Cayenne, three specimens
Ellyse Holubar, Purple, Honorable Mention, Hot Pepper, Graham Champions.
Static/Garden/40186: Peppers, Hot, Any other color or variety, three specimens
Anthony Havlicek, Purple, Honorable Mention, peppers, Graham Champions. Ella Havlicek, Blue, peppers, Graham Champions. Ellyse Holubar, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Yummy,” Graham Champions. Madison Craig, Blue, “Super Chili Pepper,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenzie Craig, Blue, “Super Chili,” Macbride’s Pride. Ella Havlicek, Blue, Graham Champions
Static/Garden/40190: Potatoes, Red, three specimens
Emily Pence, Red, Red Pontic potatoes, Macbride’s Pride
Static/Garden/40192: Potatoes, Yellow/Gold, three specimens
Emily Pence, Purple, Honorable Mention, Kennebec potatoes, Macbride’s Pride
Static/Garden/40206: Squash, Summer, Zucchini, Green, three specimens
Madison Craig, Purple, Honorable Mention, Aristocrat Zucchini Squash, Macbride’s Pride
Static/Garden/40227: Tomato, Cherry Type, Red, Large
Ellyse Holubar, Blue, Tomatoberry, Graham Champions
Static/Garden/40228: Tomato, Cherry Type, Red, Small
Madison Craig, Blue, Sweet 100 Cherry Tomatoes, Macbride’s Pride
Static/Garden/40231: Tomato, Cocktail Type, Grape, Red
Anthony Havlicek, Purple, Honorable Mention, Graham Champions
Static/Garden/40236: Tomato, Other, three specimens
Ellyse Holubar, Blue, Indigo, Graham Champions
Static/Garden/40401: Basil
Sydney Chapman, Red, Fresh Basil, Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, Blue, Dwarf Bush Basil, Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Dwarf Bush, Macbride’s Pride
Static/Garden/40405: Chives
Ellyse Holubar, Blue, Chive, Graham Champions
Static/Garden/40405: Parsley
Anthony Havlicek, Purple, Honorable Mention, Graham Champions. Ella Havlicek, Blue, Graham Champions. Georgia Havlicek, Purple, Honorable Mention, Graham Champions. Madison Craig, Blue, Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Blue, Macbride’s Pride
Static/Garden/40406: Rosemary
Ellyse Holubar, Blue, Rosemary Herb, Graham Champions.
Static/Garden/40407: Any other individual herbs
Anthony Havlicek, Purple, Honorable Mention, Basil, Graham Champions. Ellyse Holubar, Blue, Sage, Graham Champions. Ellyse Holubar, Blue, Lavender, Graham Champions. Madison Craig, Blue, Lavender, Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Blue, Lavender, Macbride’s Pride
Static/Garden/40501: Flower Arrangement
Adalyn Osterkamp, Purple, Honorable Mention, “A bouquet made from snapdragons, zinnias, and wildflowers,” Graham Champions. Mackenna Craig, Blue, “Red, White, and Blue, these flowers are for you!,” Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, Blue, “4-H themed,” Macbride’s Pride
Static/Garden/40502: Succulent Dish
Mary Richards, Blue, “dish with arranged succulents,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Blue, “Succulent Dish,” Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, Blue, “White dish full of succulents,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenzie Craig, Blue, “Umbrella of succulents,” Macbride’s Pride
Static/Garden/40503: Single Flower Specimen
Autumn Miller, Purple, Honorable Mention, “1,” Graham Champions. Autumn Miller, Blue, “4,” Graham Champions. Adalyn Osterkamp, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Sunflower,” Graham Champions. Kate Richards, Blue, “Orange tiger lily,” Macbride’s Pride. Sydney Chapman, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Sunflower,” Macbride’s Pride. Emily Pence, Blue, “Tiger lily,” Macbride’s Pride. Emily Pence, Blue, “Yellow Day lily,” Macbride’s Pride. Autumn Miller, Blue, “Galdio,” Graham Champions
Static/Garden/41053: Any other kind of Vegetable, one specimen
Madison Craig, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Lieutenant Broccoli,” Macbride’s Pride. Madison Craig, Blue, “Winterbor Kale,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenzie Craig, Blue, “Winterbor Kale,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Purple, Honorable Mention, “Lieutenant Broccoli,” Macbride’s Pride. Mackenna Craig, Blue, “Winterbor Kale,” Macbride’s Pride
Static/Personal Development/10530: Communications Poster
Mackenna Craig, Purple, Selected for State Fair – Communication Poster, “Find your spark in 4-H,” Macbride’s Pride
Static/Personal Development/10540: Digital Storytelling
Brooke Bowersox, Purple, Selected for State Fair – Personal Development, “YouTube video on how to play the game Clothespins!,” Graham Champions
Static/Personal Development/10560: Self Determined
Madison Craig, Blue, “Johnson County Fair Queen Scrapbook,” Macbride’s Pride
Static/Science, Engineering and Technology/10620: Woodworking
Bohdan Tomash, Blue, “Woodworking and refinishing methods,” Graham Champions
Swine/Market Swine/32301: Market Pair
Bella Jedlicka, 2nd (Red), Graham Champions
Swine/Market Swine/32302: Market Individual Crossbred Gilt
Gabrielle Jedlicka, 6th (Red), Graham Champions. Bella Jedlicka, 7th (Red), Graham Champions. Bella Jedlicka, 8th (Red), Graham Champions
Swine/Market Swine/32303: Market Individual Crossbred Barrow
Avery Schultes, 2nd (Blue), Graham Champions. Jack Jedlicka, 6th (Blue), Graham Champions.
Swine/Single Source/32201: Single Source Gilt
Rose McAtee, 1st (Purple), Reserve Champion Single Source Gilt, Graham Champions. Ellyse Holubar, 3rd (Blue), Graham Champions. William McAtee, 4th (Blue), Reserve Champion Rate of Gain, Graham Champions
Swine/Single Source/32202: Single Source Barrow
Georgia Havlicek, 1st (Purple), Graham Champions. Rose McAtee, 3rd (Blue), Graham Champions. Ellyse Holubar, 4th (Blue), Graham Champions. Ella Havlicek, 5th (Red), Graham Champions. William McAtee, 6th (Red), Graham Champions. Anthony Havlicek, 7th (Blue), Graham Champions
Swine/Single Source/32203: Single Source Pair
Rose McAtee, 1st (Purple), Reserve Champion Single Source Pair, Graham Champions. William McAtee, 2nd (Blue), Graham Champions. Ellyse Holubar, 3rd (Blue), Graham Champions