Chris Umscheid
The Dynamic Duo
Roughly six months ago Catherine Bilskie and I more or less took over operation of the Solon Economist.
Catherine had been with the Economist and North Liberty Leader for 12 years, while I’ll hit the 14-year mark in October. Most of that time however was spent on the Leader covering North Liberty, Tiffin, and Oxford with occasional Solon assignments.
We assumed new duties – office manager/advertising sales for Catherine, and editor for me, at a time when the paper was in great decline, and after the decision was made at the corporate level to cease publication of the Leader. We had a period of time when nobody was editor for the Economist, and four of us, scattered across the Eastern Iowa Media Group, South, tried to come up with Solon content on top of our own papers. Before that we had two different editors: Jay Crump, who was also running the Linn News out of Central City (covering the north half of Linn County), and Margaret Stevens who was running the Mount Vernon-Lisbon Sun.
To say content in the Economist suffered would be an understatement.
So, with the Leader consigned to Iowa newspaper history, I agreed to take the editorial helm of the Economist, and Catherine and I vowed to do what we could to save the newspaper, which was under heavy scrutiny for viability in an increasingly challenging environment for media outlets in general, and smalltown newspapers in particular. Our goal was to be “all Solon, all the time,” with a focus on good people doing good things. Supporting our veterans and volunteer firefighters is a priority, as is supporting the many local volunteers serving the community through organizations such as the Lions Club, Optimist Club, the GFWC/Iowa Solon Women’s Club, and so many others.
We also want to be a source of information for our senior citizens, and to share their wisdom, knowledge, and experiences with the younger generations. We want to be “the source” for coverage of all Spartan athletics, and thanks to Jeff Hess and Joe Wilkerson, we’ll cover as much as we can.
We’re trying to keep an eye on the school board and the city council and will cast an eye toward Iowa City and the Johnson County Board of Supervisors when they do something, which will directly impact Solon or our agricultural residents. We’re trying to get to as many events and activities as possible.
“We” of course, consists of Me, Myself, and usually I too: the one-man news staff. I’ve got a number of story ideas and will gladly take more. It’s tough to try and cover everything. It’s even tougher to cover a news-worthy event I don’t know about.
Have we been perfect? Nope. We’ve had some blunders along the way. Just recently an address and phone number was printed with a letter to the editor, a major no-no. Chalk it up to an inexperienced news clerk up north, and at least three sets of eyeballs not catching it. Even with almost 14 years (and a few more in Central City before that), I’m still learning my trade. We’ll still slip up now and then, never maliciously or intentionally, and as editor it will always be on me.
If you are among the 800-some subscribers, thank you! We’ll try to make the Economist worth your money every week. If you are one of our advertisers, thank you! We’ll try to make the paper a vehicle to help you bring in customers.
So, how are we doing?
What are we doing right? What should we be doing more of? Or, less of? In a way, Catherine and I are working for you, the reader, for without you and our advertisers, none of this would be possible. Shoot me an email, [email protected], or leave a message at 319-624-2233. With the sale of our building on Main St., we’re experiencing some temporary displacement, which means you can’t just drop by and give us a piece of your mind. But, if you see me out and about, feel free to introduce yourself and speak your piece.
We’re committed to keeping a newspaper in Solon as long as we can.