Meet new friends, reunite with friends, play Bingo before lunch, and join the card players after. Meals from Solon Retirement Village are served at 11:30 a.m. and cost $4.00. Meal deliveries are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Make reservations by Monday noon for Wednesday meals by calling 319-624-2251.
Sam’s Main Street Market will sponsor the meal Wednesday, August 10, Wednesday, August 17 will be a State Fair Celebration, and a Solon representative will provide updates on Wednesday, August 31.
Meal and a Movie is the last Friday of the month (August 26). Reservations are required by calling 319-430-8655 by Wednesday, August 24.
Friday, August 5 – Seafood lasagna, seasoned peas, garlic toast, and fresh fruit
Monday, August 8 – Cheesy tortellini, tossed greens with dressing, garlic toast, and brownie cheesecake
Wednesday, August 10 – Roast beef, mashed potato, roasted carrots, and strawberry short cake
Friday, August 12 – Lemmon pepper tilapia, mac corn bake, seasonal vegetable, and fresh fruit
Monday, August 15 – Philly steak sandwiches, French fries, sweet corn salad, and seasonal fresh fruit
Wednesday, August 17 – Classic meatloaf, mashed potatoes, chalet garlic, buttered vegetables, and a turtle brownie
Friday, August 19 – Smoked onion sausage, pierogi casserole, cucumber salad, and swirl cake
Monday, August 22 – Italian lasagna, Caesar salad, garlic toast, and a frosted banana bar
Wednesday, August 24 – Hot beef sundae, mixed vegetable, candy bar, and cheesecake
Friday, August 26 – Crispy fish tacos with coleslaw, fried potatoes, and pineapple pudding cake
Monday, August 29 – Lemon garlic pork loin, Rotini alfredo, steamed asparagus, and a strawberry cobbler bar
Wednesday, August 31 – Chicken fried chicken, mashed potatoes, carrots, and cherry cake