2022 Trips
All trips leave from Solon Rec. Park. Call 319-430-8655 for reservations.
Thursday, July 21 – Serving Café, Hoover Museum/West Branch, Wilton Candy Kitchen
Private cars, let us know if you plan to attend, need a ride, or will take folks in your car. Leaving the Rec Park at 11:00 a.m.
Thursday, Sept. 29 – Celebration Belle River Boat, Moline, Barefoot Becky (TBA)
Watch this space. 20-passenger limit
Thursday, October 20 – Breitbach’s Restaurant/Balltown (TBA)
Watch this space. 20-passenger limit
Restaurant Runs – Call 319-430-8655 for reservations, dining time 5:00 p.m.
Thursday, July 7 – Tin Roost, Coralville, personal cars
Pantry Wish List
Toiletries, canned fruit, canned chicken and tuna, pasta & sauces.
Solon Methodist Church garden plantings provides the pantry with fresh produce through the summer as well as many local gardeners and Kroul Farms. Our families also have access to farm fresh eggs throughout the year.
Meal and a Movie (M&M)
Friday, July 29, at the Methodist Church Fellowship Hall
“A Walk in the Woods” – After spending two decades in England, Bill Bryson (Robert Redford) returns to the U.S. where he decides the best way to connect with his homeland is to hike the Appalachian Trail with one of his oldest friends, Stephen Katz (Nick Nolte). Comedy/Drama.
Catered meal, cost TBA. To reserve, call Senior Dining 319-624-2251 or 319-340-8655 by July 27.
Solon Senior Transport
Please call Cindy Jensen at 319-360-3279 to request enrollment form, information, and a detailed brochure to access transport to medical appointments.
Senior Advocates:
Art Tellin 319-626-2816
Barry Byrne 319-354-8757
Larry Brecht 319-624-2925
John Lamantia 319-621-6887
Larry Meister 319-624-2516
Ivan Hasselbusch 319-670-9105
Jill Weetman 319-330-8961
Don Burch 319-624-4054
Phyllis Fiala 319-331-7447
Sandy Hanson 319-430-8655
Cindy Jensen 319-360-3279
Solon Senior Advocates July newsletter
July 6, 2022