ANKENY — The Iowa Golf Association (IGA) recently announced the 2022 recipients of the Ann Griffel Scholarship Award. Since 1963, the Ann Griffel Scholarship Award has been helping students further their education with 253 students having earned the honor of receiving this prestigious scholarship.
Madison Craig, of Solon, is among this year’s recipients. The daughter of Ray and Beth Craig, she will be attending Central College in Pella this fall to study Biology on the Pre-Med Track.
“The game of golf has enabled me to further refine my ability to focus and ability to remain calm even in difficult situations on the golf course. These are all important skills that I will be able to use in my future as a college student or working as a doctor,” she said. “Golf has been a very enjoyable and rewarding sport for me. I am certain golf will play a vital role in my future, especially as a medical professional. I am sure there will be many opportunities to make acquaintances or even collaborate with colleagues over a game of golf.”
Craig, Nora Carlson (Humboldt), Alexa Garvin (Wilton), Amber Henson (Marshalltown), and Emma Davidson (Northwood) each received a one-year scholarship of $2,000.
The Ann Griffel Scholarship Award was established in 1963 as just one $350 scholarship awarded by the Iowa Women’s Golf Association (IWGA). The award has evolved into a $2,000 scholarship awarded to multiple high school senior girls who intend to further their education at an Iowa institution of higher learning, whether it be a college, university or trade school.
The Iowa Golf Association Foundation (IGAF) was established to preserve the game and develop more programs to promote the future of golf in Iowa.
The IGAF awards the Ann Griffel Scholarship Award annually. This scholarship was named after the long-time IWGA President, Ann Griffel, who started the Girls’ State Junior, Forever 39 Match Play, State Wife-Husband and the Senior Women’s Championships in her 23-year term.
Madison Craig