AMES, Iowa – An increase in corn rootworm populations has farmers looking for answers. In an effort to provide research-based education about their options, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach is teaming up with field agronomists to offer seven field days across the state, beginning June 29.
Last year, entomologists and field specialists with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach received numerous questions about effective management for corn rootworm as populations have increased the past two years and farmers have experienced enhanced root injury during drought conditions.
Each farm has planted a demonstration showcasing three hybrids (no Bt for corn rootworm, SmartStax, and SmartStax Pro) with and without a soil-applied insecticide.
In addition to ways to prevent corn rootworm, the event will feature scouting tips and advice. Erin Hodgson, professor in entomology and extension specialist in entomology at Iowa State, recommends corn growers dig a few corn roots up in July and August, even if they don’t suspect they have a problem with corn rootworm.
“In most growing conditions in Iowa, you’re not going to see above-ground signs of stress, because we have such good soils,” said Hodgson. “But that doesn’t mean corn rootworm isn’t present or that it won’t be a problem later in the season.”
Hodgson said she’s looking forward to showcasing a diverse approach to corn rootworm management, including crop rotation, transgenics and the SmartStax products. The best way to control rootworm is through prevention. There will also be a novel management tactic, RNAi, planted at each location.
The demos are open to farmers, crop consultants, agronomists and anyone with an interest in rootworm.
The field days are free to attend, but participants are asked to contact the field agronomist hosting each event to RSVP for food and handouts.
For more information, contact Ashley Dean at 515-447-3766 or [email protected]; Erin Hodgson at 515-294-2847 or [email protected]; or your local field agronomist.
Demonstration schedule
June 29 – Iowa State Armstrong Research Farm, 53020 Hitchcock Ave., Lewis
10-11:00 a.m., part of regular field day that goes until 3:00 p.m.
Lunch provided at noon, pre-registration required. CCA credits offered
Contact – Ruth Blomquist. Office: 712-254-4346, cell: 319-541-2969
email: [email protected]
July 6 – ISU Field Extension Education Laboratory, 1928 240th St., Boone
9:30 a.m. – noon
Lunch provided at noon, pre-registration requested. CCA credits offered
Contact – Meaghan Anderson at [email protected]
July 7 – ISU Southeast Research Farm, 3115 Louisa-Washington Road, Crawfordsville
1-3:00 p.m., part of regular field day
CCA training in the morning, 9:00 a.m. – noon, pre-registration requested
Contact – Rebecca Vittetoe at [email protected] or Virgil Schmitt at [email protected]
July 12 – IS Northern Research Farm, 1040 James Ave., Kanawha
5:30-7:00 p.m.
Dinner provided before the event, CCA credits offered
Contact Gentry Sorenson at [email protected] or Angie Rieck-Hinz at [email protected]
July 13 – ISU Northwest Research Farm, 6320 500th St., Sutherland
1-3:00 p.m.
Lunch provided at noon, CCA credits offered
Contact – Joel DeJong at [email protected]
July 19 – ISU Northeast Research Farm, 3321 290th St., Nashua
1-4:00 p.m.
Contact Josh Michel at [email protected] or Terry Basol at [email protected]
August 4 – McNay Research Farm, 45249 170th Ave., Chariton
4-6:00 p.m., part of regular field day
Dinner provided during event, CCA credits offered
Contact – Clarabell Probasco at [email protected]
Corn Rootworm Demonstrations Planned Across Iowa
Iowa State University Extension and Outreach
June 15, 2022