Solon Senior Support is a non-profit volunteer group helping Solon-area senior citizens. Please call Jill Weetman at 319-624-2773 to request our services or to volunteer to help others. Check out our website at
The survey results are in…you answered, and we are starting new activities!
Thank you to all who sent in or completed the survey online! We had 80 surveys completed. Here is what we learned:
The age group 80s and up lead the way with 40% of the total returned surveys followed by 70-79 (38.7%), 60-69 (18.8%), and 60 and under (2.5%).
52% do not currently participate in activities geared toward older adults. 27.5% do through the Solon Community Center or the Solon Public Library. 26.3% do through a local business or church. 15% do at a location outside of Solon.
Participants were asked what type of activities they would like to see offered for older adults in Solon.
Exercise (35), speakers (27), walking group (19), cards (17), arts/crafts (15), local trips (4), meals (Senior Dining) (4), movies (3), dining out-swimming-pool/indoor track-games-new skills/hobbies-Pickleball-bingo-cooking-downsizing-history-book club-Zumba (1 each)
Participants were asked what time of day they would like to see these activities offered.
Mornings (56), afternoons (43), evenings (20)
When asked if they would be willing to pay for activities 55% said it would depend on the price, 40% said yes, and 5% said no.
Asked if they would be more willing to participate if a free ride were available, 75% said they drive themselves, 16.3% said yes, and 8.8% answered no.
Participants were asked if they would use a Senior Center if one were available. 47.5% said yes, 45% said maybe, and 7.5% answered no.
Asked if they would be willing to pay for a membership to a Senior Center, 57.5% responded maybe, depending on the price. 36.3% said yes, and 6.3% said no.
Asked what ideas they have so they can be better served, respondents said, “A plan of how to work with the city on our needs; make activities more visible, potlucks; bus trips; water aerobics; available transport; involvement with reading, tutoring students, craft projects; board games to keep minds sharp; a list of reputable/reliable service people; senior groups working together more and better communication; clean-up day in the community, giving back; senior citizens center; trivia contest; the newsletter is essential; a Senior Center is vital to the community; good movies, good food and good entertainment, uplifting and positive; young school activities for entertainment; a gather spot; pool/rec center near the Splash Pad; luncheon and movie; a pool for water exercise; movies; visiting and wine tasting; work with the city to provide a facility for activities; meetings for divorced/widowed/separated; news items about town happenings, special events, etc.; meals/fellowship; volunteers to help with yard work throughout the year; an information hub that will help me find assistance with things like climbing on the roof, fixing up home for senior living, helping with yard care, and the like; interactive programs.
Current and new programs available:
Zumba – Tuesday and Thursday 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. at the Solon United Methodist Church Family Life Center (Note: new location). No cost, donations are accepted to cover rental of the gym.
Chair Yoga – Wednesdays 10:00-11:00 a.m. at the Solon Public Library. No cost.
Yoga – Tuesday 6:00 -7:00 p.m. at the SRNA Timberdome. Cost $10 for drop-in, $48 for a six-week session. Bring a yoga mat.
Ability Physical Therapy (411 Haganman Lane) – Beginner exercise class Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00-11:45 a.m. Cost $5 per session or $20/month. Intermediate class Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 2:15-3:00 p.m. Cost $5 per session or $30/month. Call 319-624-1250 for questions.
Pickleball – Outdoor courts are available at the SRNA. We are working with the Pickleball of Johnson County Club to bring indoor pickleball back to Solon this summer. More details to come!
Speakers — NewFriday 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Speaker Series at the Solon Public Library starting July 10. We’ll have local speakers discussing subjects important to older adults; sharing their talents and hobbies.
Walking group — NewStarting June 3, Fridays 8:00 – 9:00 a.m. at the SRNA. Meet at the Timberdome. No cost, and we will not walk if it is raining. Call 319-624-2773 for updates.
Bingo/Cards – Bingo has started up again at Senior Dining Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. (before lunch), and card games are being played after lunch. Come join us for lunch, or come to play cards around 12:30 p.m. No cost (cost for lunch is $4, must sign up in advance, see Senior Dining article for more information).
Arts and crafts – the Solon Public Library hosts DIY night on the third Tuesday of the month at 6:30 p.m. This month they will be making decorative birdhouses. No cost but registration is required.
Classes – The Solon Public Library has a number of classes each month on different subjects, see the June calendar for details. June classes include beginning bird watching, the Iowa Raptor Center, and fly tying. If you want to start/lead a group or activity of any type call Jill at 319-624-2773.
Music – Music on Main every Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. Bring your lawn chairs to the Main Street stage and enjoy some great music! June 8 – Mill Creek Band. June 15 – Brick Street Ramblers. June 22 – robin Banks. June 29 – Sweet Cacophony. In the event of bad weather, the performance is cancelled.
Free blood pressure checks
Johnson County Public Health will be conducting a free Blood Pressure Clinic at the Solon United Methodist Church the first Wednesday of every month 11:00 a.m. – noon. Did you know that high blood pressure can cause hardening and thickening of the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack, stroke, or other complications? Stop by and get your blood pressure checked!
Coffee and Conversations/Chair Yoga
Coffee, treats, and conversation start at 9:00 a.m. Wednesdays at the Solon Public Library.
Chair Yoga is a beneficial form of yoga for any fitness level from active seniors to those recovering from an injury. Chair yoga has the following benefits for older adults: low impact on joints, improves flexibility, and stress reduction. Certified instructor Julie Ellen will lead a free hour-long class every Wednesday 10:00-11:00 a.m.
Over age 50? Get your second booster!
The CDC is updating its recommendations to allow certain immunocompromised individuals, and people over the age of 50 who received an initial booster dose at least four months ago, to be eligible for another mRNA booster to increase their protection against severe disease from COVID-19. Need help with online sign-up at Solon Towncrest Pharmacy? Call Jill 319-624-2773.
Need a ride to a medical appointment or somewhere in town?
We have volunteers who will give you a free ride! Give Cindy Jensen, transportation coordinator, a call to enroll and set up your rides at 319-360-3279.