SOLON — Voters will head to the polls on Tuesday, June 7 for a primary election to determine the candidates for November’s general election. Due to redistricting approved by the state legislature last year, new candidates and new districts have emerged.
Iowa House District 91, for example, encompasses all of Iowa County, as well as western and northern Johnson County, including Big Grove Township. The City of Solon is in House District 85 along with Cedar, Newport, and Graham Townships.
Six Republicans are on the ballot – John George, Matt McAreavy, Brad Sherman, Adam Grier, Devon Hodgeman, and Skylar Limkemann. Elle Wyant, from Marengo, is running unopposed on the Democratic ticket.
The Solon Economist reached out to all six Republicans with a series of questions. Their responses are run as we have received them, and in the order they were received. Limkemann was the final candidate to respond, and his answers follow.
Limkemann is Senior Attorney with the Smith Mills Schrock Law Firm, was elected to the City Council in Tiffin Sept. 1, 2020, and is a Captain/EMT with the Tiffin Fire Department.
Why are you hoping to run for the Iowa House?
“I’m running for Iowa House so I can contribute my knowledge and skills in Des Moines on behalf of District 91. If elected, I will do my part to help address the challenges our state faces, fight Biden’s awful policies, and to make our community the best place to live and work.”
What do you see as the most pressing issues in the state? And more specifically for District 91?
“President Trump made our economy great. Joe Biden and the democrats broke our great economy with failed policies and overspending. My number one priority is making our economy great again and combating the democrats’ failed policies through America First policies applied at the state level.
Our education system at all levels needs significant improvements. We must restore Iowa to the best in the nation status and make education in Iowa great again.
Public safety, healthcare, and our justice system are in crisis; we must take bold action ensure high-quality services are provided at all levels. This must include addressing the police, fire, and medical provider/nurse recruitment and retention mess we are in.
In District 91, guarding our constitutional rights and protecting individuals and small businesses from local government overreach is a top priority.”
How do you, as one voice in the Iowa House, plan to address these?
“I will use my knowledge and skills to learn about issues, advocate for our district, and work with other representatives to make our district and this state better.”
With six candidates vying for the November ballot, what separates you from your fellow contenders?
“I’m a firefighter, attorney, elected city councilman, and small business owner. I know how to advocate for people, write legislation, and I have written legislation that Governor Reynolds signed into law, including part of the Back the Blue bill. My passion for the law and serving as an advocate is unparalleled. Words matter. I will get the law right. I have the support of Representative Bobby Kaufmann and have worked with him on issues for almost a decade. I will serve the public as I have as a firefighter and will get meaningful things done.”