The Lady Spartans golf team competed in their third meet of the week Thursday, April 28, as Benton Community and South Tama visited the Saddleback Golf Course. Benton won the triangular edging out Solon 191-192. South Tama only had three golfers so a team score was not recorded.
Taylor Dee was the medalist with 42, Lilly Houtakker carded 45, Peyton Pentico shot 51, and Camryn Keith, Rylie Greazel and Lauren Roskopf shot 54 apiece in the nine-hole meet.
West Delaware and Williamsburg visit Thursday, May 5 at 4 p.m., Solon competes in Tipton’s invitational Friday, May 6, at the Tipton Golf and Country Club starting at noon, and host the WaMaC Meet on Monday, May 9, at 9 a.m.
Lauren Roskopf watches the ball land on the green Thursday, April 28, at Saddleback in a triangular against Benton Community and South Tama.