A highlight of the new electoral districts is State Senator Kevin Kinney is in Senate District 46 which includes where I live in Big Grove Township.
Kinney is a quiet, competent member of the state legislature who farms in Johnson and Iowa Counties. If he is re-elected in November, he would be the only full-time farmer in the legislature. This is Iowa. We can use an experienced farmer with a commonsense approach to lawmaking.
With Kinney’s past experiences in the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office, he focuses on important issues that are not flashy or in the news.
For example, Kinney recently told me the Civil Statute of Limitations for sex crimes should be extended to match the Criminal Statute of Limitations. This may be a bit in the weeds for most, yet if his idea becomes law, a teenage victim of sex crimes might be able to seek justice where today they can’t. Kinney will work with anyone to change the law.
I have known him since he was first elected and can say he’s an honest person, not afraid to do legislative work Iowa needs. I will vote for him in November. You should consider him too.
LETTER: Kinney for Senate District 46
May 5, 2022