Senior dining home deliveries continue Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.
In-house dining is on Wednesdays serving at 11:30 a.m. with cards after the meal.
Make reservations by noon Mondays for the Wednesday dine-in meal by contacting 319-624-2251.
Monday, April 18– Lasagna, lettuce salad, garlic bread, brownie.
Wednesday, April 20– Beef pot roast, mashed potatoes, Harvard beets, cinnamon baked apples.
Friday, April 22– Classic tuna and noodle bake, seasonal vegetables, pie.
Monday, April 25– Baked cavatelli, roast lemon broccoli, garlic bread, banana walnut brownie.
Wednesday, April 27– Butter pecan chicken, sweet potatoes and apples, parsley cauliflower, cranberry orange crisp.
Friday, April 29, Meal and a Movie Day– Mushroom steak, mashed potatoes, corn, mixed berry pretzel dessert.