A tradition for over a decade, halted for two years by the pandemic, returned to Solon Saturday, April 9, as the Solon High School Art Club hosted its annual Empty Bowls soup luncheon. Providing a modest meal of soup and bread, the members hoped to raise awareness of hunger in the community and funds for CommUnity Crisis Services Food Bank, in Iowa City, and the Solon Community Food Pantry.
The event was last held in 2019 and canceled in 2020. The club hoped to do the event last year, as Covid-related restrictions were beginning to be lifted, however logistical challenges related to Covid precautions proved too daunting and led to cancellation last year, Joshua Koza, high school art instructor and faculty sponsor for the Art Club explained.
“We were really excited to be able to have it again (this year) and thankful circumstances allowed it to happen,” said Koza.
Art students and others continued the tradition of crafting clay bowls for the event. Participants were encouraged to pick out a bowl to take home and either use it or a plastic bowl for their soup. The menu had a decidedly more local flavor than usual.
“Every other year, these guys have showed up at 7:30 a.m. to make all of the soups,” said Koza. “This year, we toyed with the idea of asking for soup donations and we had some people reach out to us asking if we’d take a donation.”
With Main Street Solon becoming a culinary hotspot, the Art Club asked, and Solon (and a few Iowa City) restaurants gladly answered the call. The Brass Fountain provided creamy corn, Bluebird Café a Solon made tomato basil, Thai Spice brought a chicken yellow curry, Big Grove Brewery (Solon) had chicken and wild rice, Stella (Iowa City) sent sausage and kale soup and Perez Family Tacos (Iowa City) donated posole rojo. In addition, Kevin Zimmerman brought his famous creamy bacon and potato soup, a perennial favorite.
“That has proven to be the most popular soup every year,” Koza said. “But we brought in some ringers this year to give him a little competition.”
Bread Garden Market, in Iowa City, also joined in by providing 20 loaves of fresh-baked sliced bread.
Financial sponsors included Midwest One Bank, Linder Tire Service and Sam’s Main Street Market.
“This is, personally for me, one of my favorite days of the year, and I think the community really enjoys it, so it feels really good to be back.”
Empty Bowls returns to Solon
April 14, 2022
About the Contributor
Chris Umscheid, Editor
Chris Umscheid is the editor of the Solon Economist.