Congratulations to Solon Robotics team 367E, “The Guys”. They were awarded the Excellence Award for Middle school teams at the VEX Iowa State Championship on Saturday March 12th. Winning this award qualifies the team to compete in the VEX Robotics World Championship May 3-5, 2022, in Dallas, TX. Team members Porter Ball, Clayton Cooney, and Ben Fetzer paired with other teams during the nine rounds of the competition. Judges were impressed with the team’s performance, interview, and the “original locking design” of the robot in selecting them for the Excellence Award. Team member Magnus Miles was unable to attend the event.
Two other Middle school teams from Solon Robotics competed at the VEX State Championship: 367F “I like Dolphins” with members Toby Kleinsmith, Spencer Michels, and Ethan Ressler. 367G “Ridonculous Robots” with members Tabitha Eggleston and Delaney Emerson. All three teams were fantastic representatives of the Solon CSD.
Solon Robotics Middle School team qualifies for 2022 VEX World Championship
March 17, 2022
2022 Iowa VEX — (L-R) Delaney Emerson, Tabitha Eggleston, Spencer Michels, Ethan Ressler, Toby Kleinsmith, Ben Fetzer, Clayton Cooney, and Porter Ball