Solon freshman Carson Reid, bowling with the Iowa City High Little Hawks, qualified for the 2022 State Individual Tournament with a 684 three game series Tuesday, Feb. 15 at Colonial Lanes in Iowa City. Reid bowled 202, 203, and 279 to finish third in the top eight individuals to qualify.
Overall, the Little Hawks were seventh with a team total of 2,764.
Fellow Solonite Brady Evers, also a freshman, bowled 160, 227, and 152 for a 539 total.
Under Iowa High School Athletic Association policy, the top two teams from each of the four Class 3A qualifying sites advanced to the Team Tournament Wednesday, Feb. 23 at Cadillac Lanes in Waterloo, and the top eight individuals competed in the Individual Tournament Monday, Feb. 21 at Maple Lanes in Waterloo.
Solon’s Reid qualifies for State Bowling with the Little Hawks
February 24, 2022
About the Contributor
Chris Umscheid, Editor
Chris Umscheid is the editor of the Solon Economist.