COVID-19 Alert Did you know? Hy-Vee, CVS, Walgreens and Walmart Pharmacies may soon be receiving N95 masks to be distributed for free. If you do not have access to a fitted N95 or KN95 mask, your best bet is to wear a disposable procedure (surgical) mask under a cloth mask to prevent transmission of the Omicron COVID-19 variant.
See the information below from the CDC. Need surgical masks? Call Jill at 624-2773 .
Senior dining
Senior Dining has canceled Wednesday’s dine-ins throughout the month of February. For future in-house dining dates please watch this space.
Solon Senior Transport
The Senior Advocates and Solon Senior Support have enrolled 11 seniors for the free Senior Transport Program volunteer driver program that transports seniors to and from medically related appointments. Enrollment information and a detailed brochure will be mailed upon request. Seniors should call for a ride several days prior to the appointment date. All volunteer drivers are self-insured. Call 319-430-8655 for info or client enrollment forms.
The Advocates
We have several opportunities for new members to support our mission to provide mobility, sociability and entertainment for our seniors. Please call 319-430-8655 for info.
Senior of the year
May is Older American’s Month, a time to acknowledge the contributions of older persons to our country. It is when we recognize those in our community who have contributed their services to benefit others. Please contact Pat Ikan, Nomination Committee Chairperson, for more info and the nomination form at Pat Ikan, PO Box 148, Solon or [email protected] OR 319-624-2643.
If you prefer NOT to receive the mailed newsletter please call 319-430-8655 or 319-331-7447 to cancel. If you prefer email also let us know.
Senior Advocates: Art Tellin 319-626-2816; Barry Byrne 319-354-8757; Larry Brecht 319-624-2925; John Lamantia 319-621-6887; Larry Meister 319-624-2516; Ivan Hasselbusch 319-670-9105; Jill Weetman 319-330-8961; Don Burch 319-624-4054; Phyllis Fiala 319-331-7447; Sandy Hanson 319-430-8655; and Cindy Jensen 319-360-3279.
Solon Senior Advocates
February 3, 2022