The League of Women Voters of Johnson County’s first Legislative Forum, Saturday, Jan. 22, will be a virtual presentation instead of an in-person format. The format change is due to the high level of COVID-19 spread in the community. The forum will be held 9:30-11:30 a.m.
The public may register for the Zoom Legislative Forum in advance at:
Elected officials, Senators Joe Bolkcom, Kevin Kinney and Zach Wahls and Representatives Christina Bohannan, Dave Jacoby, Bob Kaufmann, Mary Mascher and Amy Nielsen have been invited to participate.
The forum will open with three-minute opening remarks from each legislator. Questions from the League and education co-hosts will follow. January co-hosts include Iowa City Community School District, Iowa City Education Association, the American Association of University Professors, Grant Wood Area Education Agency and the University of Iowa Public Policy Center.
Audience members may pose questions submitted via chat. Questions can also be submitted via a Google Form: Legislators will address as many questions as possible. Questions not addressed during the forum will be shared with legislators so they are aware of topics the public is interested in learning more about.
The forum will be moderated by LWVJC member Eliza Willis; Deanne Mirr will serve as a timekeeper.
Iowa City’s City Channel 4 will live stream the Legislative Forums on the League’s website,, on our Facebook page, and the City Channel 4 YouTube channel. Rebroadcasts will be offered on City Channel 4 on Mediacom cable, as well as on their website at Check their website for program schedules.
A decision about the February and March forums’ format will be made at a later date and will be based on community health.