Solon Old Gold Diner delivers meals on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Serving meals in house on Wednesdays.
Wednesdays in house is limited to 20 guests.
Call 319-624-2251 to reserve a meal on the previous serving day between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. Call on Monday for Wednesday meal, Wednesday for Friday meal, and Friday for the following Monday meal.
Friday, July 16: Teriyaki shrimp, fried rice, oriental vegetables, and lemon blueberry.
Monday, July 19: Honey, bourbon BBQ ribs, baked sweet potatoes, roasted broccoli, toasted caramel dessert.
Wednesday, July 21: Bratwurst patty, German potato salad, creamy cucumber salad, ice cream of the month- in house dining sponsored by Ruzicka’s.
Friday, July 23: Butter crumb pollack, mac and cheese, cashew pea salad, fresh melon.
Monday, July 26: Fried chicken, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables, twisted strawberry short cake.
Wednesday, July 28: Pork loin with honey garlic glaze, baked potato, roast broccoli with bacon, peach and cream cobbler- in house dining.
Friday, July 30: Mushroom steak, mashed potatoes, corn mixed, mixed berry pretzel dessert.
Old Gold Diner meals
July 15, 2021