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(as of 7/1/20): $7,145.51
MAY 6, 2021
Proclamations, ordinances and resolutions adopted by the Board of Supervisors are only summarized in the published minutes; the full text may be inspected at the Office of the County Auditor, 913 S. Dubuque Street, Iowa City, Mon. thru Fri., between 7:45 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. and at
Chairperson Heiden called the Johnson County Board of Supervisors to order in the Johnson County Administration Building Boardroom at 9:00 a.m. as an electronic meeting due to concerns for the health and safety of Board members, staff, and the public presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, in accordance with Section 21.8 of the Code of Iowa, as amended. Present: Lisa Green-Douglass, Pat Heiden, Royceann Porter, Rod Sullivan.
*Denotes telephonic participation.
All actions were taken unanimously.
Iowa City workers Ninoka Campos* and Nancy Raudelas*, and UIHC employee Mutwakil Musa*, spoke about how the pandemic affects their livelihood. (Translation, where needed, provided by Iowa City Catholic Worker Nurse Practitioner Emily Simnwell*.) Katie Biechler, on behalf of the Excluded Workers Coalition, spoke about her expectations for use of funds that the County will receive through the American Rescue Plan Act.
PROCLAMATION NO. 05-06-21-01
MAY 7, 2021
Summary: Quality early childhood services, such as childcare, represent a valuable investment in our county, state, nation and world by increasing the likelihood of success later in life. Johnson County is home to more than 176 childcare providers with more than 9,000 slots for children, and the childcare service providers have faced extreme hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic. Board Action: Proclaim May 7, 2021 as Provider Appreciation Day in Johnson County, Iowa, and encourage all residents to reach out and thank the local childcare workforce. Motion by Sullivan, second by Green-Douglass, to approve Proclamation 05-06-21-01. Johnson County Public Health Clinical Services Data Specialist Debra Ackerman and Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County Early Childhood Director Jana Garrelts* spoke.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Sullivan, to approve the claims on the May 6, 2021, Auditor’s Claim Register, as approved by a majority of the Supervisors.
4 Cs Community Coordin 973.73
Aaron R Hammes 274.00
Abbehealth Inc 124678.28
Adam Finken 60.00
Adam M Gebhart 60.00
Advance Builders Corpo 225.07
Advanced Business Syste 85.65
Advanced Electrical Se 108.00
Aero Rental Inc 491.60
African American Heri 1000.00
Aladtec Inc 844.25
Alisia Meader 35.00
Alliant Energy 119.20
Altorfer Inc 429.99
Amanda Springer 200.00
Amanda Voss-Grumish 35.00
Amazon.Com Capital Ser 686.83
American Polygraph Ass 300.00
Amy Lynn Barney 46.95
Anderson-Bogert Engin 4908.00
Angela Mcconville 109.32
Automated Flagpole Par 996.90
B&H Foto & Electronic 1937.27
B&H Photo Video Pro A 1133.40
Barbara Ann Smith 1207.50
Barron Motor Supply 143.75
Ben Symonds 60.00
Benton County 38022.88
Bj Rudish 120.00
Bound Tree Medical Ll 1866.88
Bp Logic Inc Dba Batte 199.60
Bremer County 37669.06
Bruce D Reynolds 53.03
Carahsoft Technology 1114.58
Carl Fobian 36000.00
Caseware Internationa 9142.50
Ccl Supply 471.20
Cdw Government Inc 742.11
Certified Laboratories 184.36
Choice It Global Llc 754.95
Chomp Llc 5900.00
Chris Henze 60.00
City Laundering Co 121.06
City Of Coralville 34026.50
City Of Iowa City 14970.50
City Of Iowa City — U 2234.61
City Of Iowa City-Ac 43935.33
City Of Swisher Swis 6356.25
CJ Cooper & Associates 35.00
Clapsaddle Garber As 12185.09
Community Action Of E 1000.00
Cook Appraisal Inc 3000.00
Cope Plastics Inc 1333.80
Custom Hose & Supplies 49.53
Dans Overhead Doors A 1509.82
Dave Wilson 180.00
Debbie Ackerman 150.00
Debra Ackerman 200.00
Delta Dental Of Iowa 8762.01
Dlt Solutions Inc 1652.00
Dubuque County Audi 142500.55
Dustin R Tippie 60.00
Dylan G Reed 35.00
Earthgrains Baking Co 137.10
Edward Bartels 60.00
Fastenal Company 506.51
Finkbine Aber Rentals 600.00
Fiona B Johnson 60.00
Fobian Farms Inc 40257.50
Foster Coach 232412.00
Gabriel Stutzman 346.01
Garcia Professional S 7000.00
Gazette Communications 355.00
Greazel Trucking 4095.00
Greg Parker 60.00
Hands Up Communication 175.00
Hawk Wash Llc 518.00
Hawkeye Weld & Repair I 80.00
Heartland Shredding In 255.00
Heather Eastman 100.00
Holiday Inn Des Moines 976.64
Hospers & Brother Prin 337.27
Hy-Vee #1281 38.40
Hy-Vee Pharmacy #1085 100.00
Iaccvso 50.00
Illowa Culvert & Sup 16182.00
Interstate All Battery 777.70
Iowa Ceramics Center A 450.00
Iowa City Free Medica 1500.00
Iowa Office Supply Inc 216.70
Iowa Paper Inc 1060.06
Iowa Process Service 150.00
James P Lacina 60.00
Jarod L Webb 60.00
Jeffrey Pitlick 60.00
Jered Camp 35.00
Jerry’s Hauling 18133.75
Jim Donovan 120.00
Johnson County Ambula 2329.00
Johnson County Audit 11192.14
Johnson County Audito 7024.96
Johnson County Emerge 2557.69
Johnson County Seats 445.90
Johnson County Second 1507.56
Jones County Auditor 53984.92
Kaplan Early Learnin 34000.00
Keltek Incorporated 139.08
Kenneth Fobian 200.00
Kevin W Braddock 60.00
Kim L Jennings 1163.75
Kirkwood Community C 57665.98
Koch Office Group 402.66
Latta Well & Pump Corp 230.00
Linn County Treasurer 2083.33
Logan Contractors Suppl 27.46
Luke Mcclanahan 165.00
Mail Services Llc 4068.42
Marks Auto Body Inc 1999.64
Mcc Telephony Of Iowa 1270.00
Mckesson Medical Surgi 442.83
Menards — Iowa City 268.54
Mid American Energy 4561.51
Midwestone Bank 21455.88
Mutual Wheel Company 300.89
Nat’l Tactical Officer’ 50.00
Neighborhood Centers 1000.00
Neil Shatek 59.95
North Liberty Commun 12228.75
Old Capitol Screen Pri 700.44
Ottsen Oil Co 553.45
Owens King Company 915.95
Paul R Wittau 60.00
Pb Body Shop Inc Dba 1248.00
Peer Support Foundatio 250.00
Peggy Johnson 178.78
Petty Cash Fund 67.90
Praxair Distribution In 34.05
Press-Citizen Media 177.76
Psc Distribution 36.07
Randy’s Flooring 22.60
Ray Oherron Co Inc 209.53
Rdg Planning & Design 7071.66
Restorative Community 2000.00
Ricoh USA Inc 299.55
Robert D Winstead 59.95
Ryan Quiles 19.00
Schindler Elevator Cor 660.48
Scott County Treasurer 2 80.00
Scott L Madden 60.00
Shannon O Smith 60.00
Sharon K Butler 120.00
Sioux Sales Company 166.50
Solarwinds Inc Dbs So 1843.20
Solon Public Library 12957.33
St Luke’s Child Protec 356.25
Staples Advantage 380.40
Staples Credit Plan 255.65
State Hygienic Labora 1262.50
State University Of I 1997.08
Stellar Energy Servic 1671.06
Stericycle 121.80
Storm Water Supply Ll 4248.00
Story County Sheriff’s 81.20
Tallgrass Business Re 1014.60
Terry Stotler 19.00
The Election Center 75.00
The News 178.00
Thomann Fencing 5374.15
Tim Dunton 60.00
Travis Beckman 180.00
Unesco City Of Litera 6056.25
University Of Iowa 2058.00
Van Meter Industrial I 114.45
Verizon Wireless 161.03
Visiting Nurse Assn 12401.63
Walsh Door & Hardware 534.00
Wellmark Blue Cross 152500.00
Wendling Quarries In 16246.43
Windstream It-Comm.Llc 120.91
Motion by Sullivan, second by Green-Douglass, to approve the minutes of the Formal Meeting of April 29, 2021.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Sullivan, to approve the payroll authorizations submitted by department heads and elected officials, as approved by a majority of the Super-visors.
Motion by Sullivan, second by Green-Douglass, to approve the application for a new Temporary Class C Liquor License, Application for Outdoor Service Area, and Application for Sunday Sales Privilege, for Jason McClenahan, DBA Personal — Wedding, Iowa City.
Motion by Sullivan, second by Green-Douglass, to approve the application to renew the Class C Liquor License, Application for Outdoor Service Area, and Application for Sunday Sales Privilege, for Renee’s Roadhouse, Oxford, as submitted by Renee Regennitter.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Porter, to approve the application to renew the Class C Liquor License, Application for Outdoor Service Area, and Application for Sunday Sales Privilege, for Saddleback Ridge Golf Course, Solon, as submitted by Ronald Rushek.
Convened Public Hearing at 9:29 a.m. on the proposed plans, specifications, form of contract for, and estimated total costs of the proposed Johnson County Historic Poor Farm (Poor Farm) Parking and Circulation Project. Astig Planning, LLC Owner, and Poor Farm Site Development Project Manager V Fixmer-Oraizspoke about the project. No one from the public spoke. Public Hearing closed at 9:32 a.m.
RESOLUTION NO. 05-06-21-01
Summary: The Board of Supervisors duly conducted a public hearing concerning proposed plans, specifications, and form of contract for, and estimated total cost ($751,603.50) of the said public improvement to-wit: Historic Poor Farm Site Development — Parking and Circulation Project, located in Iowa City, Johnson County, Iowa, and it determined the project was in the best interest of Johnson County. Board Action: 1. Approved the plans, specifications, and form of contract for, and estimated total cost of said public improvement construction project. 2. Set the bid letting date and time for June 3, 2021 at 2:00 PM and authorized the Auditor to publish the Notice to Bidders. 3. Set the bid security to accompany each bid for the construction project, in the amount of five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid. 4. Delegated V Fixmer-Oraiz the duty of opening bids for this project, announcing the results, and reporting the results of the bidding along with recommendations to the Board of Supervisors at its next regular meeting.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Porter, to approve Resolution 05-06-21-01.
Motion by Porter, second by Green-Douglass, to approve the Proposal for a Group Term Life and AD&D Insurance Policy with Madison National Life Insurance Company, effective July 1, 2021.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Sullivan, to approve the Fiscal Agent Agreement for FY22 between the Johnson County Empowerment Board/Early Childhood Iowa Area and the Johnson County Board of Supervisors, effective July 1, 2021.
Motion by Sullivan, second by Green-Douglass, to approve the Administrative Services Agreement for FY22 between Johnson County Empowerment/Early Childhood Iowa Area Board and the Johnson County Board of Supervisors, effective July 1, 2021, in an amount not to exceed $100,830.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Porter, to approve the Second Amendment to the Wrap-Around Support Services Contract (DCAT4-21-001) between the Iowa Department of Human Services and Johnson County Social Services, amending the maximum amount of compensation to $29,000 for the entire term of the Contract.
Motion by Porter, second by Green-Douglass, to approve Amendment Number 1 to the Agreement to Provide Non-Congregate Sheltering Alternatives with Shelter House, amending the expiration date to August 30, 2021.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Porter, to approve Change Order 1 with Impact7G, Inc., Clive, in an amount of $23,500 for the Multi-Year Defined Management Plan for the Johnson County Historic Poor Farm.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Sullivan, to enter into closed session at 9:36 a.m. for an annual pre-evaluation of Medical Examiner Administrative Director Clayton Schuneman under section 21.5(1)(i), Code of Iowa, “to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.” Roll call: aye: Green-Douglass, Heiden, Porter, Sullivan.
Recessed at 9:36 a.m.; reconvened at 9:39 a.m.
Motion by Sullivan, second by Green-Douglass, to leave closed session at 10:10 a.m. Roll call: aye: Green-Douglass, Heiden, Porter, Sullivan.
Motion by Green-Douglass, second by Porter, to enter into closed session at 10:10 a.m. for an annual pre-evaluation of Board Office Executive Director Mike Hensch under section 21.5(1)(i), Code of Iowa, “to evaluate the professional competency of an individual whose appointment, hiring, performance or discharge is being considered when necessary to prevent needless and irreparable injury to that individual’s reputation and that individual requests a closed session.” Roll call: aye: Green-Douglass, Heiden, Porter, Sullivan.
Motion by Sullivan, second by Porter, to leave closed session at 10:45 a.m. Roll call: aye: Green-Douglass, Heiden, Porter, Sullivan.
Adjourned at 10:45 a.m.
/s/Pat Heiden, Chair, Board of Supervisors
Attest: Travis Weipert, Auditor
Recorded by Kyle Phillips, Auditor’s Office Confidential Administrative Secretary
These minutes were sent for formal approval and publication on May 13, 2021.
County Legal 5-20
May 17, 2021