APRIL 21, 2021
Remotely — Mayor Pro Tem Lauren Whitehead called to order the regular City Council electronic meeting – pursuant to Iowa Code Section 21.8 at 5:36 pm. Roll Call: Remotely- Steve Duncan, John Farlinger, Dan O’Neil and Lauren Whitehead. Absent Lynn Morris. Also Present Remotely – City Administrator Cami Rasmussen, Public Works Director Scott Kleppe, City Attorney Kevin Olson and City Engineer Dave Schechinger and Finance Officer Roman Meyers. Also Present: City Clerk Susie Siddell.
Motion by Farlinger to approve the agenda. Seconded by Duncan. All Ayes. Motion Carried. 4-0.
Citizen Speak: None
Motion by O’Neil to approve the consent agenda including minutes from the April 7, 2021 regular Council meeting, approval of list of bills, treasurer’s report, transfers, building permits and approval of lease agreement with Solon American Legion for use of Public Property on May 15, 2021. Seconded by Farlinger Roll Call Vote: Duncan, Farlinger, O’Neil and Whitehead. All Ayes. Motion Carried. 4-0.
Motion by Morris to approve the event applications. Seconded by Whitehead. All Ayes. Motion Carried.
Fire Department Report: None
Sheriff’s Department Report: O’Neil stated he has received comments on higher speeds in town, in the areas of Iowa St, Windflower and Cedar Bend. After school and evenings are the worse.
Public Works Director Report: None
City Engineer Report: Schechinger stated Old Mill Creek has a punch list, Windmill Estates has some seeding they are working on, at the North Trunk Sewer project the contractor is getting materials and they are working on the watering system, Bergamot the storm sewer will be installed soon and at the GAW project there are locates and work should begin again in the near future. Duncan questioned the property at Shima’s and stated their yard being dug up. Schechinger stated he will look into this.
Mayor Stange arrived via zoom at 5:43 pm
City Attorney Report: None
Johnson County Supervisor Pat Heiden: None
Board of Adjustment Variance: Rasmussen stated this was where there had been a house fire, Cline’s are wanting to build on the existing foundation, it is a non-conforming structure which many houses in the area are. Cline’s are requesting a one foot front and two foot side setback variances. Board of Adjustments have looked at and approved. Motion by O’Neil to approve the variance request from Cline’s. Seconded by Duncan. Roll Call Vote: Duncan, Farlinger, O’Neil and Whitehead. All Ayes. Motion Carried. 4-0.
Hwy 1 Sidewalk Project: Kleppe stated this section would complete the missing link going from Terrace LN to Windflower. He had received three proposals with the lower proposal from JDM Concrete in the amount of $22,604.25. Motion by O’Neil to approve the proposal from JDM Concrete in the amount of $22,604.25. Seconded by Farlinger. Roll Call Vote: Duncan, Farlinger, O’Neil and Whitehead. All Ayes. Motion Carried. 4-0.
IDOT 5 Year Maintenance and Repair Agreement: Kleppe stated this was an agreement requested by the IDOT every five years concerning maintenance upkeep along HWY 1. Motion by Farlinger to approve the IDOT Maintenance and Repair Agreement. Seconded by Duncan. Roll Call Vote: Duncan, Farlinger, O’Neil and Whitehead. All Ayes. Motion Carried. 4-0.
Resolution No. 21-20, SRF Water Revenue Bond Interest Reduction: Rasmussen stated the City has been offered a reduction of the interest rate which would save the City $7000 a year. She is working with Northland Securities. Motion by O’Neil to approve the interest rate reduction for the SRF Water Revenue Bond. Seconded by Farlinger. Roll Call Vote: Duncan, Farlinger, O’Neil and Whitehead. All Ayes. Motion Carried. 4-0.
Resolution No. 21-21, Street Closure: Rasmussen stated this was to authorize public works to close the street on May 15th for the Solon American Legion Raise the Roof event. Mayor Stange questioned Scott Stork what would happen if bad weather was forecasted. Stork stated they would move inside the Legion, which by 10am that morning they should know. Mayor Stange questioned if Sheriff Department felt it should be shut down because of bad weather would the legion be agreeable. Stork stated yes. Motion by Farlinger to approve the street closure for the Raise the Roof event. Seconded by O’Neil. Roll Call Vote: Duncan, Farlinger, O’Neil and Whitehead. All Ayes. Motion Carried. 4-0.
Resolution No. 21-22 Street Closure: Rasmussen stated this was for the Big Rove Bike event on June 12th. Rasmussen stated the street should be open by the evening. Motion by Duncan to approve the road closure for the Big Rove Bike event June 12th. Seconded by O’Neil. Roll Call Vote: Duncan, Farlinger, O’Neil and Whitehead. All Ayes. Motion Carried. 4-0.
Fiscal Year 2021 3rd Quarter Financial Date: Meyers went over the Revenue and Expenditure Recap and the Investment Report.
Other Business:
Council Committee Reports: None
Clerk Report: None
City Administrator Comments: Rasmussen stated there will be a special meeting April 28th, it will be a closed session.
Council Comments: O’Neil thanked Whitehead for running the meeting and everyone on the progress with the Trail Ridge Project. Duncan thanked staff also for the Trail Ridge Project and wished all a Happy Administrative Professional Day.
Mayor Comments: Mayor Stange thanked Rasmussen, Kleppe and Schechinger for all the work with the Trail Ridge Project stating there have been many meetings they have had as it concerns many homes.
Motion by O’Neil to adjourn meeting at 6:10 pm. Seconded by Farlinger. All Ayes. Motion Carried. 4-0.
Susie Siddell, City Clerk
Lauren Whitehead, Mayor Pro Tem
BILL LIST-April 21, 2021
A Tech/ Freeman Alarm; Fire Monitoring $84.00
Aetna Behavioral Health; Fee Payment $37.80
Airgas USA LLC; Gas $68.72
Alliant Utilities; Utilities $4,466.09
Cat Financial; Loader Payment $880.39
Civic Plus; Annual Fee $3,737.97
Drake, Sue; Utility Deposit Refund $50.00
Ellison Insurance; Insurance $83,500.00
Employee Benefit Systems; Benefits payment $80.00
Ferguson Water Works; Meters $3,837.12
GIS Benefits; Benefits payment $230.81
Gordon Flesch Company Inc; Copier Agreement $131.85
Haege, Frank; Soccer Refund $43.00
ILA-IASL; Awards $18.00
Iowa Assn of Municipal; April — June Payment $2,125.51
JAB Grafix & Designs; Banners $480.00
Linn County REC; Utilities $431.60
Midwest Apparel Inc; Softball Helmets $250.00
Pitton Law; Fox Ridge Legal Services $3,304.00
River Products Company Inc; Sand/Gravel $1,432.46
Wellmark Bluecross Blueshield; Insurance $7,766.13
The Board of Education of the Solon Community School District, counties of Johnson and Linn, State of Iowa, will accept sealed bids for:
1. Lakeview roofing replacement project.
2. Lakeview Door Replacement
3. High School windows
Bids will be accepted until 1:00 p.m. on May 14, 2021. They will be presented at the May 20th, Solon Board of Education meeting for their approval.
Instructions to bidders may be received by stopping at the Central Office, 301 S. Iowa, Solon, IA. Or contacting Bryan Heinsius Ext 1344.
The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids should be addressed to the Superintendent of Schools, Solon Community Schools, 301 S. Iowa, Solon, IA 52333. If you have additional questions, please contact the Central Office.
Solon City Legal Mtg Bills 4-29
April 26, 2021